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Wednesday, May 27th Lesson Plans


Class Meeting today with Ms.Shoblock's class




Due to the timeframe in which homeschooling is lasting, we are asking that reading, math and writing be "essential" assignments. They should be completed, yet if are completed past the "due date" (as always) that is absolutely acceptable. 




All other assignments (social studies, science, character ed.) are considered, "extension" activities. 




If you are able to complete all assignments, "essential" and "extension". 


Please continue to do so.

Fundations:  shale, brine, note, scam, fling, whip, bump, flash, smoke, joke


*circle rhyming words*


Sentence: He can jump away from me. 


High Frequency Words: brown, four


Review the new words and ask them to read them. 


  • Have your child read the poem and locate the new words in the poem.






Brown Bear


Once upon a time,


There lived a brown bear.


The brown bear had four cubs,


With polka dotted hair.


They lived in a cave,


So no one could see,


How cute these little cubs were,


When they could run free.




Past words (please continue to review these daily):


a, at, are, am, all, and, as, big, be, but, can, come, down, do, for, go, he, his, her, him, have, had, it, is, I, in, look, like, my, me, no, not, on, of, one, out, see, said, she, some, the, two, they, that, this, two, there, up, we, will, was, with, what, you, yes, your, them, many,from, each, get, where, help, these, those, or, more, make, how, when, than,too, little, so, has, now, then, away, who, ours, us, an, funny, were, three, about, jump, run




Ways to review words (try to choose words to review that your child needs support with): 


-Rainbow write them! Write the words three times! Each time in a different color.


-Fill a baking sheet with salt, flour, etc. have your child trace their words in the baking sheet


-Have them write the words in chalk outside (on a nice day!)


-Use magnetic letters or stamps to spell the words for fun


Shared Reading:/Writers Workshop: Memorial Day Information for Kids

Tuesday:   Who do we celebrate on Memorial Day?  We celebrate …….. on Memorial Day.


Wednesday:   How could you decorate your house for Memorial Day?  (We decorated by putting ……………………….)




Thursday:  What did you do on Memorial Day?  (My family and I celebrated by ……………………)






1)IXL- Please choose any two skills that you feel your child needs additional support with. If you would like to try some first grade skills, please go ahead and try!   






IXL information/directions


Go to


Login information:




Mrs.  Quackenbush


Username: firstnamelastname318- no spaces


(ex. joesmith318) 


Password: first name (ex.joe)












Reader’s Workshop: Have your child read from their book baggies or log onto raz kids and read online. Please try to remember to use your super reader powers as you read.



  • Picture power

  • Pointer Power

  • Sound out power

  • Sight (snap) word power

  • Read on power

  • Don’t Give up (perseverance power)