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Friday, May 1st



Here are some fireworks!


Great job Logan, Shae and Gavin!





Class Google Meet this morning at 10am! 

See you then!



Today would have been our field trip to 

Space Farms Zoo.

Here is a link for a virtual field trip 

to various zoos.



Due to the timeframe in which homeschooling is lasting, we are asking that reading, math and writing be "essential" assignments. They should be completed, yet if they are completed past the "due date" (as always) that is absolutely acceptable. 


All other assignments (social studies, science, character ed.) are considered, "extension" activities. 


If you are able to complete all assignments, "essential" and "extension". 


Please continue to do so.






We have new friends in kindergarten 


to watch!


Caterpillars that will turn into…


Painted Lady butterflies!



Here is a link that will show you the metamorphosis of this caterpillar :)







We will show you pictures of the butterflies/caterpillars as they grow and change!



Math songs for fun:


3-D shapes song:


Position words song:




Fundations: quite, shape, clip, cone, shrimp, plump, drive,


 bloom (blume), snatch 



Sentence: The two kids made a mess.


High Frequency Word book: Where Will She Go?


-Go to Raz-kids


-Login to account as usual 


-Click the “My Assignment” spaceship


-Have your child read the story (Where Will She Go?), look for the new words in the text (has, now, then, away)


- Click on “tools icon” (the button next to the microphone) in the top right corner.


-Choose the highlighter tool, to highlight all of the new high frequency words in the booklet


Past words (please continue to review these daily):


a, at, are, am, all, and, as, big, be, but, can, come, down, do, for, go, he, his, her, him, have, had, it, is, I, in, look, like, my, me, no, not, on, of, one, out, see, said, she, some, the, two, they, that, this, two, there, up, we, will, was, with, what, you, yes, your, them, many,from, each, get, where, help, these, those, or, more, make, how, when, than     



Ways to review words (try to choose words to review that your child needs support with): 


-Rainbow write them! Write the words three times! Each time in a different color.


-Fill a baking sheet with salt, flour, etc. have your child trace their words in the baking sheet


-Have them write the words in chalk outside (on a nice day!)


-Use magnetic letters or stamps to spell the words for fun


Shared Reading:/Writers Workshop:


Monday: Why was Barthello different than the other bugs? (He was different because ….)


Tuesday:  Write an example of the other bugs being unkind.  (The bugs …….)


Wednesday: Why did Barthello drop the berry?  (He dropped the berry ……..)


Thursday: What was your favorite part?  (I liked when ……)


Friday: How did Barthello show courage?  (He was brave when ….)






  1. assignment- Due Friday, May 1st


Topic 16- Topic Opener-Lin’s Messy Room


Complete assignment


  1. IXL- G.- Comparing 

  2. #6- Compare two numbers up to 10 


#7 - Compare three numbers up to 10




IXL information/directions


Go to


Login information:



Mrs.  Quackenbush


Username: firstnamelastname318- no spaces


(ex. joesmith318) 


Password: first name (ex.joe)




Do 20 questions under each topic- you can do more if you want! When your Smart score gets to 100, the program stops you. So if it is taking a long time, just do the 20 questions for each topic.



You can also go on ANY topic on your own in any subject area for additional practice!




Readers Workshop- please log onto Raz Kids and read a book and take the quiz.


Please try to remember to use your super reader powers as you read.



  • Picture power

  • Pointer Power

  • Sound out power

  • Sight (snap) word power

  • Read on power (If you get to an unfamiliar word, read the rest of the sentence, and go back to the word you are unsure of to see if you can figure it out)

  • Don’t Give up (perseverance power)