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Tuesday, April 7th, Lesson Plans


*Math Challenge*  

Click on the link below

  (you can make your own shapes to solve, or go into your personal email. We sent you shapes!)


Fundations: hare, spike, shrine, cheek (you should see it spelled cheke) mend, mask, nest, cot, rust, quest


Sentence : Get out of there and sit down!


High Frequency Words:  how, when, than


  • Review the new words and ask them to read them. 

  • Have your child read the poem and then locate the new words in the poem.


 Magical Spring

How do plants grow?

Is there anyone that will know?

When you want a pretty plant

a seed needs to be planted.

You have to add some water,

And your wish may be granted.

You also need a lot of sun,

a lot more than you think.

Close your eyes and wait a bit, 

it'll grow in just a blink.


Past words (please continue to review these daily):

 a, at, are, am, all, and, as, big, be, but, can, come, down, do, for, go, he, his, her, him, have, had, it, is, I, in, look, like, my, me, no, not, on, of, one, out, see, said, she, some, the, two, they, that, this, two, there, up, we, will, was, with, what, you, yes, your, them, many,from, each, get, where, help, these, those, or, more, make     


Ways to review words (try to choose words to review that your child needs support with): 


-Rainbow write them! Write the words three times! Each time in a different color.


-Fill a baking sheet with salt, flour, etc. have your child trace their words in the baking sheet


-Have them write the words in chalk outside (on a nice day!)


-Use magnetic letters or stamps to spell the words for fun


Shared Reading:/Writers Workshop:  April Foolishness


This story will be used for writers workshop throughout the week. 


Monday:  What was your favorite part?


Tuesday:  Where does the story take place?


Wednesday:  Who is the story about (main characters)?


Thursday:   Why are the children trying to trick the grandpa?


Friday:  Who tricks the grandpa?



  1. assignments- Due Tuesday, April 7th

  2. IXL assignment- Due Tuesday, April 7th 

Topic 14-6: Solid Figures

Complete and submit 


IXL information/directions 

Go to

 Login information:


Mrs.  Quackenbush 

Username: firstnamelastname318- no spaces

(ex. joesmith318) 

 Password: first name (ex.joe)


Lessons for the day: 

Click on Math icon at the top 

Go to: W. Three dimensional shapes 

 Go to #1-Flat and Solid Shapes

Do 20 questions under each topic- you can do more if you want! When your Smart score gets to 100, the program stops you. So if it is taking a long time, just do the 20 questions for each topic.

You can also go on ANY topic on your own in any subject area for additional practice!


Social Studies- Don’t Be a Litter Bug

 Let's Find Out 

Click on Log in

Click on "I am a student"

Password is quackenbush2020

Go to "Don't be a Litter Bug"

Complete activities (read magazine, watch video and play game) 


 Readers Workshop- please log onto Raz Kids and read a book and take the quiz