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Wednesday, May 13th Lesson Plans

Gavin and Penny doing math! Way to go!

Sorry you are sideways Penny lol!



Joey’s turtle from Let’s Find Out!


Caterpillar Update!! 

We caught one of the caterpillars making their chrysalis! Click on the link below!


Meet us on our google chat today @11 so we can check everything out!


Join with Google Meet


Due to the timeframe in which homeschooling is lasting, we are asking that reading, math and writing be "essential" assignments. They should be completed, yet if are completed past the "due date" (as always) that is absolutely acceptable. 

All other assignments (social studies, science, character ed.) are considered, "extension" activities. 

If you are able to complete all assignments, "essential" and "extension". 

Please continue to do so.


Fundations Letter Sounds:


Fundations: trap, stamp, brick, while, crane, steam (steme), groan (grone), mute, zing, cash


Sentence: They are too little to play the game.


High Frequency Words: an, funny, were, three

  • Review the new words and ask them to read them. 

  • Have your child read the poem 


The Three Little Boys

There were three little boys,

acting kind of funny.

They laughed in the rain,

and cried when it was sunny.

They wore mittens in the heat,

and flip flops in the cold.

They liked to fry their ice cream,

and eat their bread with mold.


Past words (please continue to review these daily):

a, at, are, am, all, and, as, big, be, but, can, come, down, do, for, go, he, his, her, him, have, had, it, is, I, in, look, like, my, me, no, not, on, of, one, out, see, said, she, some, the, two, they, that, this, two, there, up, we, will, was, with, what, you, yes, your, them, many,from, each, get, where, help, these, those, or, more, make, how, when, than, too, little, so, has, now, then, away, who, ours, us


Ways to review words (try to choose words to review that your child needs support with): 

-Rainbow write them! Write the words three times! Each time in a different color.

-Fill a baking sheet with salt, flour, etc. have your child trace their words in the baking sheet

-Have them write the words in chalk outside (on a nice day!)

-Use magnetic letters or stamps to spell the words for fun


Shared Reading:/Writers Workshop: Charlie The Caterpillar


Monday:   Why doesn’t anyone want to play with Charlie?  (No one wants to play with Charlie because ………..)


Tuesday:  What are the three animals that Charlie tries to make friends with?  (Charlie tries to make friends with …………)


Wednesday: What game are the monkeys playing?  (The monkeys are playing ………)


Thursday:  Why are the mice playing miniature golf?  (The mice are playing miniature golf because ………………..)


Friday:  What happens at the end of the story that makes Charlie happy? (At the end of the story Charlie is happy because ……………………)



Fun way to practice your math facts!

(unfortunately the video ends after 2 minutes, but there are a few facts that you can still practice)


Another song for addition facts


Math: Find objects in your house→ that are shaped like a

sphere, cube, cone, cylinder


*You need these objects for this week’s activities*


  1. Review---> creating 3-D shapes with straws (toothpicks) and playdough or clay


  1. IXL- L. Subtraction up to 10

#8 Subtraction word problems with picture -numbers up to 10

#9 Subtraction word problems numbers up to 10


IXL information/directions

Go to

Login information:


Mrs.  Quackenbush

Username: firstnamelastname318- no spaces

(ex. joesmith318) 

Password: first name (ex.joe)


Spanish: Fruits in Spanish



Reader’s Workshop: Have your child read from their book baggies or log onto raz kids and read online. Please try to remember to use your super reader powers as you read.

  • Picture power

  • Pointer Power

  • Sound out power

  • Sight (snap) word power

  • Read on power

  • Don’t Give up (perseverance power)