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Thursday, March 19th Plans


Fundations: spit, rake, blob, sham, chub, fin, thin, tilt, time, quick


Sentence : Can you see the cat on the bed?


High Frequency Words:  them, many, from, each, get


  • Review the new words and ask them to read them. Please continue to review past words as well. 

  • They are listed below.


a, at, are, am, all, and, as, big, be, but, can, come, down, do, for, go, he, his, her, 

him, have, had, it, is, I, in, look, like, my, me, no, not, on, of, one, out, see, said, she, some, 

the, two, they, that, this, two, there, up, we, will, was, with, what, you, yes, your    


Poetry Notebook: Read Poem together. Practice words in a fun way! Pick one activity! 

If you have another one that you think works best for you child, go for it!


I Am Thankful

I am thankful
for each little raindrop that I find,
for each little stone that is left behind,
for the many little leaves from the tree,
for each little  flower that you get for me,
for all those little bugs trying to get free,
and I am thankful for all of them and me!


Ways to review words:


-Rainbow write them! Write the words three times! Each time in a different color.


-Fill a baking sheet with salt, flour, etc. have your child trace their words in the baking sheet


-Have them write the words in chalk outside (on a nice day!)


-Use magnetic letters or stamps to spell the words for fun


Math: assignment- Due Thursday, March, 19th


Lesson 13-3: Sorting the Same Set in Different Ways


Daily Common Core 13-3


Video that introduces lesson- Visual Learning


Quick Check 13-3


Center game activity for sorting by one attribute 


Practice sheet for homework (optional)




My Wild Weather Day 


Watch video, read magazine, play game


Click on login, Click on “I am student”, password- quackenbush 2020 or shoblock 2020


Writer’s Workshop:  Continue with small moment or start a new story if you are ready to. 


Reader’s Workshop: Have your child read from their book baggies or log onto raz kids and read online. 


**I am so happy to see how many of you are reading and taking the quiz! Keep up the good work!**