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Chapter 2 - Alumnos y cursos - Part 1


This week the students will learn:

  1. Definite and indefinite articles in the Plural Form
  2. Adjectives in the plural
  3. The verb SER in Present Tense  - Singular and Plural


 Study the following vocabulary for this week on Quizlet:

 Chapter 2 - Palabras 1 - Alumnos y cursos






NOUNS - DEFINITE ARTICLES (el, la, los, las) (video)


This might seem too much like grammar class. Sorry! But the things in this video are quite important when learning Spanish. In this video lesson we're talking about nouns, definite articles and also we'll throw some classroom vocabulary in there.




Hola. In this video lesson, we'll be talking about nouns, indefinite articles and also learn some classroom vocabulary. 

You might make sure to watch the video before this one on nouns, definite articles, and classroom vocabulary as this is the second video in the series.








Personal Pronouns

In this video, we'll be talking about the personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, we, they) in Spanish.


yo - I/me

tú - You (informal/familiar)

él - he/him ella - she/her usted - You (formal)


nosotros - We (males or males & females)

nosotras - We (females)

*vosotros - You all (males or males & females)

*vosotras - You all (females)

ellos - they (males or males & females))

ellas - they (females) ustedes - You all





 Present Tense - Ser + descriptions & characteristics


In this video lesson we learn how to conjugate SER (to be) in the present tense as well as use it with descriptions and characteristics. Enjoy!




 Video of the lesson taught in class today.




 Review in class Class before the test