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Spanish 4

The Global Seal of Biliteracy



The Global Seal of Biliteracy is


Your Language Passport


to Opportunity



Whether you learned your language in a classroom, at home, or through other experiences, a Seal of Biliteracy celebrates your accomplishment and certifies your language proficiency in two or more languages. A Seal of Biliteracy is generally awarded in the form of a certificate and can be used as a credential for academic and employment purposes.


The Global Seal of Biliteracy™ is a credential that celebrates language skills and expands future opportunities for its recipients. A uniform standard is used to empower the awardees to be a valuable asset in multilingual environments.  The Global Seal of Biliteracy enables recipients to showcase their language skills to any school or employer across state lines and national borders, with a unique serial-numbered document. 


This test includes three levels of proficiency.




This year, Edward (Eddie) Summitt and Luis (Felipe) Del Solar earned the Global Seal of Biliteracy award.

They demonstrated proficiency in English and another language, in this case, Spanish.  

Our students demonstrated the highest level of proficiency, Professional Fluency (C1). To attain this, students must earn an ACT score of at least 26 in English, and take a proficiency assessment in Spanish, which includes a writing portion and speaking and listening portions with a native speaker of the language.  


This seal is a way to document our students’ bilingualism and is an international credential.

It takes tremendous work and dedication to reach this level of proficiency.

Congrats, Eddie and Felipe!


Global Seal of Biliteracy