page contents





Why will I learn this?

So, you can talk about the activities

the students do at school.

You will also learn how to speak

using simple compound sentences

and three important prepositions.



What will I learn and do?

How do I know I have learned this?


On Quizlet


Write your autobiography and have a conversation.


 Week 1 

- What will I learn? 

  • School activities,
  • Parts of the classroom


- What will I do? 

Study on Quizlet:


  • Chapter 4 – Palabras 1


 Week 1 

- What will I learn? 

  • How to conjugate -ar verbs in present tense for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person (SINGULAR & PLURAL)
  • The verbs “to go” (ir), “to give” (dar), and “to be” (estar) in the present.

What will I do? 

  • Complete Classwork-Part 1

(Pages 1-3) (The teacher will help you)

(Pages 6-11) (work with your partner. The teacher will check, give you feedback, and help you if needed).

  • Complete part 1 of autobiography. 

Autobiography (Part 1)

1st paragraph: 

Use all the verbs you have learned this week talk about a typical day at school. Tell things you and the teacher do in your classes. Use –ar verbs in plural, and the verbs ir, dar, and estar.

Also mention things that are in the classroom like a clock, desks, a map, etc.

 (Required to receive 

the chapter test study guide)


Vocabulary test – Part 1

  • Just write the English phrases in Spanish from Chapter 4 – Palabras 1




Chapter 4 – Quiz 1

  • Apply the part 1 vocabulary to fill in the blank questions.
  • Answer three questions and say what rule you used.
  • Conjugate -are verbs in singular and plural.







   · Lesson Activities: 

  1. Learn first part of the vocabulary Chapter 4 - Palabras 1 to learn how to talk about activities at the school in Spanish.
  2. Learn how to conjugate -ar verbs in present tense using SINGULAR and PLURAL subject pronouns, including  dar, estar, and ir.
  3. Work on grammar packet to practice the first part of the vocabulary and the grammar.


  · Homework: Study the following set on Quizlet:


              Chapter 4 - Palabras 1 En la Escuela




  •     Download and print this packet

          (If you don't have a printer, come get a copy at school or print them at the library)

                      SP1 - Chapter 4 - En la escuela.pdf 


  • These other files contain information to help you understand the grammar. You don't have to print them, but download them and use them to study:





 contractions notes.pdf  


 Here is a copy of the Chapter 4 on the text book: (You don't have to print it)

                       Textbook - Chapter 4 - En la Escuela.pdf 



 What to study for the next Quiz:


  •  Vocabulary on Quizlet:

              Chapter 4 - Palabras 1 En la Escuela




  •  Grammar:

            - Conjugation of -ar verbs (singular and plural)

            - Ir, dar and estar


 Video lectures:
  1. Chapter 4 - Part 1 - Grammar
  2. Click here to wath the video taken in the class: 






Tuesday (odd)

Wednesday (even)


  1. The students have a packet with their classwork (I distributed them last week)
  2. The students will work on pages 6 – 11 and do the 1st paragraph of the autobiography.
  3. If any student finishes before the bell rings, he/she can use his/her laptop and study the vocabulary for Chapter 4 – Palabras 1 on Quizlet
  4. The students should not copy from other students, but they can definitely help each other if they need it.



 Vocabulary on Quizlet:


              Chapter 4 - Palabras 1 En la Escuela




Video lectures:

  1. Chapter 4 - Part 1 - Grammar



Extra Practice

 Lesson Activities:

 1. Work on the following assignment on Oncourse:

              -ar verbs conjugation practice 


2. Study vocabulary on Quizlet:


                 Chapter 4 - Palabras 1 En la Escuela



















 · Lesson Activities: 


  1. Apply the first part of the vocabulary (Chapter 4 - Palabras 1)  to talk about activities at the school in Spanish.
  2. Conjugate -ar verbs in present tense using singular and plural subject pronouns.
  3. Work on grammar packet to practice the first part of the vocabulary and the grammar


  · Homework:

Study the following set on Quizlet to get familiar with the new words we are going to learn in Chapter 3 - part 2 next week


                  Chapter 4 - Palabras 2 En la escuela




               Same packet you printed from the First Block.


  Video lectures:

  •   Chapter 4 - Part 1 - Review in Class