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If a student is caught cheating he/she will receive a zero on his/her test. No make-up arrangements



  1. If a student misses a test, the teacher will give him/her a zero on Oncourse indicating the test is missing.
  2. The student will make up the missisng classwork at home or during study hall, not during class, so he/she does not get behind.
  3. The test has to be made up during the first three days after the student comes back to school.
  4. When the student has been absent for an extended period of time, the teacher will make arrangements with the student to decide how many days the student will have to make up the missing tests. 
  5. If a student doesn't make up a test after three weeks of having returned to school, the student will only receive half of the credit after taking the test.
  6. Tests will never be made up during class, unless the student has extra time and has done all the classwork for the current week ahead of time, and the teacher is not modeling the lesson at the moment.
  7. Tests can be made up during Study Hall classes, Hype Time,  early in the morning before the bell rings or after school.
  8. After FOUR WEEKS, the test will not be made up and the student will keep a cero as a grade.




To catch up the missing lessons, the student can watch the videos posted on the teacher website.

After a student returns to school, he/she will ask the teacher for his/her make-up work and will complete it before the test.

Missing classwork should not be made up in class.

The student should do it as homework, and bring it early in the morning or during the day for the teacher to check it. This way, the student will be able to correct the mistakes and will not miss the current lesson.





If the student refuses to work in class, and when it is time to take a quiz or test, he/she doesn't have the classwork finished and corrected, the student will not be allowed to take the quiz/test at that time. Instead, the student will work on his/her classwork.  


There is enough time to do all the classwork in class. However, classwork can always be finished at home. Once it is finished, the teacher will check it and make sure everything is correct before allowing the student to make up the test.


The student will be able to make up the test later during the day or the week. 


One day late = 10% deduction

2 days late = 20%
3 days late or more = 50%



After a week, the teacher will give the test to the student without previous notification.


Tests will never be made up during class. Tests can be made up during Study Hall classes, Hype Time,  early in the morning before the bell rings or after school.




In order to take a test or a quiz, the student’s weekly class work must be completed and corrected by the student and SIGNED by the teacher.

If the student has not finished or has not done the classwork, the student will not be allowed to take the test. Points will be deducted according to the waiting time the student will wait to make up the test.

The chapter conversation presented in front of the class is required to be allowed to take the chapter test since this is the oral part of the test.

One day late = 10% deduction

2 days late = 20%

3 days late  or more= 50%




Bell ringers have to be done during class. They are not homework. If a student misses a class, he/she has to make up his/her bell ringers. The teacher will not notify students when she will pick the bell ringers up. If the student was absent the day(s) before, the teacher will allow the student to make up the missing days, or excuse the student from those missing days at teacher’s discretion. Late bell ringers will not be accepted under any circumstance. You will receive a grade for Bell Ringers at random times during the year.


GRADE SETUP (Grades are weighted) for Spanish 1


80 %

 1. Other Conversations/ other)


 2. Vocabulary tests


 3. Quizzes


 4.  Grammar/Unit Tests


 20 %

 Mid TermFinal Exam














Every Chapter lasts three weeks:

1st Friday – 1st Quiz (Vocabulary & Grammar for the first week)

2nd Friday – 2nd Quiz (Vocabulary & Grammar for the second week)

3rd Friday - Unit/ Chapter Test

*(If there is no school on Friday, tests or quizzes will be given on Thursday)

** There will also be a vocabulary test every chapter based on Quizlet.