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"Those who know only English (or any other single language) are trapped in a brain with the limitations of that language and are not even aware that they are trapped."

"Our daughters are interested in becoming doctors. We are having them take four years of Spanish in high school. Where my wife used to work, they would have to call in interpreters for Spanish speaking patients that could not speak English. Imagine trying to treat someone medically and not being able to communicate with them to find out what is wrong with them."


"I speak German and am learning Spanish) You don’t really understand your own language until you learn another."

"This gringo discovered that learning Spanish gave him an advantage in business and socially. It made life better. A second language is somewhat like a second identity.Millions of us,speak two or more languages."


They come in handy,in most professions.Nobody is forcing anybody to learn another language, but remember that a person in your same profession, who speaks another language beside English, has an advantage over you





What will I be doing this year in Spanish Class?   



Spanish I seeks to build a foundation of the language basics through learning the alphabet, numbers, colors, telling time, simple conversational phrases, describing people and describing daily activities. The course integrates vocabulary and grammar with cultural elements such as school, family, food, sports, clothing and weather. The content presented throughout the course aims to equip students with skills to simply communicate within the Hispanic culture outside the classroom.

Lecciones preliminares
El alfabeto, Saludos, Adiós, La Cortesía, La fecha.

Capítulo 1- Un amigo o una amiga

Capítulo 2- Alumnos y cursos

Capítulo 3- Las compras para la escuela

Capítulo 4- En la escuela

Capítulo 5- El Café

Capítulo 6- La familia y su casa

Capítulo 7 -Deportes de equipo.

Capítulo 8- La salud y el médico.

Capítulo 9- El verano y el invierno.

Capítulo 10 - Diversiones culturales (Part 1)


Preliminary Lessons
The Alphabet, Greetings, Farewells Courtesy, Date.

Chapter 1 - A friend or a friend

Chapter 2 - Students and courses

Chapter 3 - Shopping for the  school.

Chapter 4 - At the school

Chapter 5 - The Café

Chapter 6 - The family and home

Chapter 7- Team sports

Chapter 8 - Health and physician.

Chapter 9 - Summer and winter.

Chapter 10 - Cultural Attractions



Spanish II seeks to build upon the language foundation set in Spanish I by providing students with opportunities to expand vocabulary and grammar skills. The material presented throughout the course aims to equip students with the skills to communicate at a more advanced level in Hispanic culture.   

Spanish 1 Review

Capítulo 10 - Diversiones culturales (Part 2)

Capítulo 11 - Un viaje en avión.

Capítulo 12 - Una gira.

Capítulo 13 - Un viaje en tren

Capítulo 14 - En el restaurante

Capítulo 15 - Historias y leyendas

Capítulo 16 - De tiendas

Capítulo 17 - Los pasatiempos

Capítulo 18 - Emergéncias médicas

Capítulo 19 - Servicios al público



Chapter 10 - Cultural Attractions

Chapter 11 - A trip in a plane

Chapter 12 - A tour

Chapter 13 - A train journey

Chapter 14 - At the restaurant

Chapter 15 - Histories and legends

Chapter 16 - At the store

Chapter 17 - Hobbies

Chapter 18 - At the emergency room

Chapter 19 - Public services











This course is a continuation of the beginning level courses that will help the student continue learning the Spanish language. In this course, the student will practice and learn listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through activities that are based on pedagogically proven methods of foreign language instruction. In first semester, students will study daily routines, nature, and volunteering vocabulary. In second semester, the topics of study are the environment, entertainment and neighborhoods. Through these topics students learn to express themselves using an ever-increasing vocabulary, present, past, future and conditional-tense verbs, articles, adjectives and increasingly complex grammatical structures. Grammar is introduced and practiced in innovative and interesting ways with a variety of learning styles in mind. Culture is sprinkled throughout the course to help the learner focus on the Spanish-speaking world and their culture, people, geographical locations and histories. The course is aligned to the national Foreign Language standards.



Listening - Students will understand the main idea and supporting details of spoken language that incorporates familiar vocabulary and structures and respond appropriately.

Reading - Students will understand selected written materials on various topics.

Speaking - Students will apply knowledge of Spanish pronunciation and intonation patterns in various situations.

Writing - Students will respond to statements or questions in Spanish; write compositions and conversations on selected topics, which incorporate description, detail and accurate grammatical structures.

Culture - Students will explain how aspects of the Spanish-speaking culture differ from their own and discuss the influence of the Spanish-speaking culture in the global community.



Spanish is the number two most widely-spoken language nationwide, after English. Almost 80% of job recruiters report that Spanish is the most desired foreign language from employers.

Speaking Spanish can make you a more attractive job candidate in practically any career field, including medicine, business and criminal justice. Whether you want to become a detectivedoctorFBI special agent or politician, learning Spanish can give you a leg up.






The fourth year of Spanish builds on skills learned in the first three years. The student will continue to sharpen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through activities based on pedagogically proven methods of foreign language instruction.


Students learn to express themselves using an ever-increasing vocabulary and increasingly complex grammatical structures using the present, past, future, conditional and subjunctive-tense verbs, articles, and adjectives. Grammar is practiced in innovative and interesting ways with a variety of learning styles in mind.


Throughout the course, students are exposed to the culture of the Spanish speaking world to advance their understanding of its people, geographical locations and histories.




Listening- Students will understand the main idea and supporting details of spoken language that incorporates familiar vocabulary and structures and respond appropriately.

Reading- Students will understand selected written materials on various topics.

Speaking- Students will apply knowledge of Spanish pronunciation and intonation patterns in various situations.

Writing- Students will respond to statements or questions in Spanish; write compositions and conversations on selected topics, which incorporate description, detail and accurate grammatical structures.

Culture- Students will explain how aspects of the Spanish-speaking culture differ from their own and discuss the influence of the Spanish-speaking culture in the global community.




Spanish is widely spoken in the United States, second only to English. Nearly four out of five of job recruiters say Spanish is the most in-demand foreign language by employers.

Speaking Spanish can help your application stand out in practically any career field, including medicine, business and criminal justice. Whether you want to become a detectivedoctorpolitician or special agent with the FBI, learning Spanish can give you an advantage.