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Spanish Language Film Project


If you have completed ALL of your work for this marking period and are not happy with your grade I am offering this Extension Activity that is worth up to 4 points on your fourth marking period grade.


  1. Watch one of the movies on the list below.  Please pick a movie you have not already seen.  The movies on this list were chosen so that you  take this opportunity to watch something you might not normally see.  Some of the movies were released a long time ago, a few are more recent.  Browse through the list and take a risk on seeing something new!
    1. Please note that I have not seen all the movies on this list.  I have tried to limit the options here to movies that have received critical acclaim and positive reviews.  Since I have not seen them, make sure that the movie you pick is appropriate for you to watch.  Some include violence, and others include  difficult/mature topics.
    2. The topics of the movies are mainly limited to social issues that effect Spanish speaking countires.
      1. If there is a movie that you would like to see that is not on here, send me an email for approval.
    1. Most of these movies are available on Netflix, Amazon and iTunes and Hulu. 


  1. Answer the following questions after you have watched the movie. Make sure your answers are in complete sentences written in paragraph form.  This should be over a page to properly complete. 


 .              A. What was the movie about?  Provide a brief plot summary.

B. What is the social issue that is presented in the movie? How does it affect the Spanish Speaking country where the movie action takes place? Does the United States have similar issues?


C. What did you learn about this topic? If you have already learned about this topic, how did the movie add to what you already know about the subject?

D. Did you like the film? Why or why not?  

E. Take a picture of yourself watching the film or of the film on your TV (or attach a receipt if you rented the film.   Something that proves you actually watched it :)

Here is the list of films. Happy watching!!!


Alamar (2009)

Roma (2018)

Ma ma (2015)

The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)

Tambien la lluvia / Even the Rain (2010)

Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)

Missing (1982)

El Cantante (2006)

Popi (1969)

El Super (1979)