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All Levels Spanish 1,2 and 3/4 in case of emergency closure please complete the following Unit Plans. Lessons may be submitted through email to [email protected] as they are completed or on paper at the date of return to school.


Cultural Unit: The House on Mango Street

Objective: To understand the cultural context of the Target Language (Spanish) students read a culturaly authetic novel and participate in activities to demosntrate their comprehension


Day 6:

1. Read the following 2 vignettes (short stories) of the House on Mango Street.

            Alicia who sees mice & And Some More

    You can find a  PDF here:

 2. Then  Answer the Questions on the Study Guide for those Chapters

    You can find a PDF of the Study Guide here:


3. Make a list of at least 8 Characters that you have been introduced to in the book. Using the vocabulary list (link below) and any other word previously given; Make a list of 3 adjectives/ nouns that describe each character


Example: Esperanza: Chica, Hermana, Pequena