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Thursday April 16th 2020 ( jueves el dieciseis de abril dos mil veinte)


This week we will be reviewing phonetics and pronunication of the Spanish Language. Our objective simply is to pronounce words acurately in Spanish. Here is the Curriculmn Standard that is met by our weeks lesson

WL.7.1.NH.A.8 - [Cumulative Progress Indicator] - Identify some unique linguistic elements in English and the target language



Today's activity will be an online SPELLING TEST! (jajajaja just kidding it's not a test!) Please use the following list of Spanish words and type or write out how you would spell them. Use the graphic that was provided in yesterday's lesson for your pronunciation of the letters. When completed email [email protected] with your typed list or CLEAR picture of your written work. The last word has been done for you as an example



example: Cortésmente= Theh-Oh-Teh-Eh-Esseh-Emmeh-Eh-Eneh-Teh-Eh


Mañana, Como, Dedos, Hablan

Fíjate, Inglés, Teléfono

Ciudad, Comer, Reptil

Solamente, Felizmente, Cortésmente