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All Levels Spanish 1,2 and 3/4 in case of emergency closure please complete the following Unit Plans. Lessons may be submitted through email to [email protected] as they are completed or on paper at the date of return to school.


Cultural Unit: The House on Mango Street

Objective: To understand the cultural context of the Target Language (Spanish) students read a culturaly authetic novel and participate in activities to demosntrate their comprehension


 Throughout the vignettes we see the power of words as they pertains to self identity.For your closing activity complete the following:

1. Make a list of 10 Spanish Words that Appeared in the Novel. List what each word means in Eglish


2. Chose 10 Spanish words that you might chose to include in a vignette about your life (Don't worry you arent writting one!) Use the following website to create a word cloud using the list you came up with. Save the image and email ir or print it out


3. Spanish 2 Only: In the past month we have studied 2 separtate examples of The Mexican Experience in the Umited States Create a Ven Diagram comparing and contrasting the experiences of Esperanza from "The House on Mango Street" and Carlitos from the movie "La misma Luna"  Plot at least 8 statements on the diagram


3. Spanish 3/4: IN SPANISH write a "book report" Give a breif summary of the book, themes and your personal opinion. Your repost must be NO MORE then 2 pages (If you think it's too long... it probably is!)