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Remember our objective:

Our objective: Understand the accent or STRESS rules when pronouncing words or

WL.7.1.NH.A.8 - [Cumulative Progress Indicator] - Identify some unique linguistic elements in English and the target language.


If you would like to learn about TYPING accent words in Microsoft word. Watch this video:





All Levels of Spanish:


 Today's Lesson

Complete the following notes while watching the YouTube video lesson above

Part 1:

  1. What is spoken stress?
  2. When do you use a written accent mark in Spanish?
  3. Where do you put the written accent mark?

Part 2:

What are the two rules of accent marks?

Rule 1:

Rule 2:

Part 3:

                How many syllables do the following words have? Which of these words need accent marks?

                                artistico                                mujer

                                hombre                                azucar

                                atletico                                 lapiz

                                almuerzo                              frijol


 Please note that SOMETIMES there are words that need accents just to show a difference in MEANING

Example:   Si = if                                                El = the

                 Sí = yes                                            Él = he


Exercises:  Place accent marks if needed.


 1.  toman  11.  dolar


 2.  sabes  12.  avion


 3.  el (the)  13.  ladron


 4.  el (he)  14.  heroes


 5.  arbol  15.  maquina


 6.  dificil  16.  conmigo


 7.  estudiante  17.  complicado


 8.  caracter  18.  veintidos


 9.  universidad  19.  apostrofo


10.  estacion  20.  parentesis