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All Levels Spanish 1,2 and 3/4 in case of emergency closure please complete the following Unit Plans. Lessons may be submitted through email to [email protected] as they are completed or on paper at the date of return to school.


Cultural Unit: The House on Mango Street

Objective: To understand the cultural context of the Target Language (Spanish) students read a culturaly authetic novel and participate in activities to demonstrate their comprehension



 Day 1: Pre Reading Activity- Answer the following questions

   1.  Look at the title "The House on Mango Street". Predict what you think this Novel will be about. What does your house mean to you?

   2. What is the personal significance of your given name (First, Middle, Last) Does your name mean different thing to your or family or friends? Does everyone pronounce it the same way? Do you think your name indicates your race or langueage that you speak at home?Do you have a nickname that better defines your personal identity?


Part 2;


1.  Watch the following video:

2. Review the following vocabulary list:

2. Complete the following assignment: