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Lunes el once de mayo dosmil veinte ( Monday May 11 2020)





I know that some of you are still struggling to catch up so today's assignmnet should not take you longer then 10 minutes. This lesson will prepare you for the next mini unit that we are learning.  I really feel that after the the phonetic lessons you all have a good grasp on the pronunciation of the Spanish language. Now we need to focus on some grammar (BOO /Hisss /Groan)


Our objective: Understand the accent or STRESS rules when pronouncing words or

WL.7.1.NH.A.8 - [Cumulative Progress Indicator] - Identify some unique linguistic elements in English and the target language.


Please listen to Chapter 4 of "Spanish: Proven Techniques to Learn and Speak Spanish: The Passport to Fluency Series" the link for access to this chapter is below. Although nothing is "due" today you may want to take notes to help you with the assignments based on this information in the upcoming days.



Be well chicos!!!