Happy Monday!! (5/18/20)
Good Morning Boys and Girls!!
I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weekend!
Your work for today is:
Spelling (E) - Please see the “At Home Learning” and the “Spelling Word List” tabs
Reading (MC) -
As you can see from the fables you have read so far, each short story has a moral or lesson to be learned. In The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf, the moral was that if you are known to lie often, then when you do try to tell the truth about something important no one will believe you! In The Hare and the Tortoise, the moral was slow and steady wins the race! If you take your time with something, the outcome will be better than rushing through something. In The Lion and the Mouse, the moral was that even someone small can do really great things. Try to figure out what today’s moral is!
Log onto www.readworks.org/student
The class code is: QJ6HMS
Your password is: 1234
Click on “The Ants and the Grasshopper”
Read the story and then click on “Questions”
Once you have answered all of the questions online, please click on the “Submit” tab at the bottom so that I can see your work!
Math (MC) -
Log onto IXL using the information on the front of your agenda.
Complete Grade 2 Math:
Q. #8 - Compare Clocks
Q. #11 - Time Patterns
Only complete 20 questions for each activity
Hi Boys and Girls!
Happy Tuesday! (5/19/20)
Just a friendly reminder! Don't forget to visit Mrs. Goldberg's website and complete your art project assignment.
I will be doing a Google Meet at 11:00 a.m. today to finish reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane . The link will be posted here right before 11:00. Hope to see you there!
Your work for today is:
Reading (MC)- Please answer the following question:
What was the moral or lesson to be learned from yesterday’s story? Please answer this question using details from the story, The Ants and the Grasshopper.
Log onto www.readworks.org/student
The class code is: QJ6HMS
Your password is: 1234
Click on “The Crow and the Pitcher”
Read the story and then click on “Questions”
Once you have answered all of the questions online, please click on the “Submit” tab at the bottom so that I can see your work!
Writing (E) - Today you will be writing another cinquain poem. Choose a topic with a spring theme. For example, you could write a poem about flowers, a spring sport, weather, animals, or anything else you are interested in. This assignment can be completed over a few days. It does not need to be completed and handed in today. Take your time with it!
Here is another example of a cinquain poem:
Math (MC) - Lesson 16-3 “ Organizing Data”
Log onto www.pearsonrealize.com with the information on the front of your agenda
Click on “My Work”
Click on “Assignments”:
Complete the Daily Common Core (answers can be written on a piece of paper)
Watch the assigned video to learn about the lesson
Complete the assigned online Quick Check (I am able to see your answers)
To view the workmat and discuss with your family:
Click on “eTexts”
Click on Student Edition: Grade 2
Go to the Table of Contents on top left corner
Click on Topic 16 and then Lesson 16-3
Complete 16-3 Reteach & Practice from your math workbook
Science (MC) - Ch. 3 Lesson 3 “What is a fossil?” Read pgs. 145-147 in your Science workbooks and answer the questions on those pages about what fossils are, how they form, and what they show.
Happy Wednesday!! (5/20/20)
Missing each and every one of you!!
Please email me anything special that happens to you while we are at home. I’d love to share the good news!!
Your work for today is:
Spelling (E) - Please see the “At Home Learning” and the “Spelling Word List” tabs
Reading (MC) -
Log onto www.readworks.org/student
The class code is: QJ6HMS
Your password is: 1234
Click on “The Fox and the Crow”
Read the story and then click on “Questions”
Once you have answered all of the questions online, please click on the “Submit” tab at the bottom so that I can see your work!
Math (MC) -
Log onto IXL using the information on the front of your agenda.
Complete Grade 2 Math:
R. #5 - Interpret Bar Graphs I
R. #8 - Create Bar Graphs
Only complete 20 questions for each activity
Happy Thursday!! (5/21/20)
Don’t forget tomorrow is Catch Up Day! You can work on any missing assignments you may have or finish up work from this week.
Please join me tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. on Google Meets. We will be catching up and celebrating Nicholas’ birthday and his Star Student.
The link will be posted here right before 10:30.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
Your work for today is:
Spelling (E) - Please see the “At Home Learning” and the “Spelling Word List” tabs
Reading (MC) -
Please watch the following video of the fable The Country Mouse and the City Mouse. Copy and paste the following link into your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kkw_uNmCUq4&t=14s
Please answer the following questions:
What was the moral of this fable?
If you were a mouse, which place would you prefer to live in, the country or the city? Give reasons from the story explaining why.
Writing (E) -
If you haven’t already completed it, please finish working on your Cinquain poem from Tuesday.
Math (MC) - Lesson 16-4 “Graphing Lengths”
Log onto www.pearsonrealize.com with the information on the front of your agenda
Click on “My Work”
Click on “Assignments”:
Complete the Daily Common Core (answers can be written on a piece of paper)
Watch the assigned video to learn about the lesson
Complete the assigned online Quick Check (I am able to see your answers)
To view the workmat and discuss with your family:
Click on “eTexts”
Click on Student Edition: Grade 2
Go to the Table of Contents on top left corner
Click on Topic 16 and then Lesson 16-4
Complete 16-4 Reteach & Practice from your math workbook
Science (MC) - Log onto www.pearsonrealize.com and use the username and password on the front of your agenda ( the same as Envision math).
Click on My Work:
Complete Chapter 3“What is a fossil?” activities. You will be asked to watch 2 very short videos and then complete the lesson quiz. This can be completed online and I will be able to see your answers. You can use pgs. 145-147 in your workbook to help you.
Happy Friday! (5/22/20)
Woo-Hoo!! We made it through another week!
Happy Birthday to Nicholas!!
Congratulations to Ava for losing a tooth!!
Happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend.
Nicholas is this week’s Star Student!
Please join me at 10:30 a.m. on Google Meets. We will be catching up and celebrating Nicholas’ birthday and his Star Student.
The link will be posted here right before 10:30.
Looking forward to seeing all of you!
Today is Catch Up Day!
You can work on any missing assignments you may have or finish up work from this week. If you need to look back at any assignments, click on the tabs to the left of the homepage. The assignments for each day can be found under the weekly tabs.
Have a wonderful weekend!