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On This Page 


     * What is a 504 Plan


     *  CSOC Summer Camp Services - PerformCare is Accepting

        Requests for Summer Camp Financial Assistance


     *  NJ Disability Information Hub


     *  Free Virtual Developmental Screenings


     *  Autism Society’s National Helpline


     *  Facebook Group for Families


     *  SPAN Upcoming Events


     *  NJ Department of Human Services Helpline





What is a 504 Plan


Section 504 helps ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities.


CSOC Summer Camp Services - PerformCare is Accepting Requests for Summer Camp Financial Assistance


2025 CSOC Summer Camp Services

For 2025, the Children's System of Care (CSOC) will be providing Summer Camp Services to eligible children, youth, and young adults under 21 years of age. These services include Financial Support toward Summer Camp Tuition and One-to-One Aide Services for Summer Camp.


CSOC, a division of New Jersey's Department of Children and Families (DCF), is offering Alternative Recreational Sessions (ARS) as an additional component of Summer Camp. ARS provides youth an opportunity to engage in a recreational activity with peers within the community, on a per session basis, rather than a full day of camp. This shorter time frame will increase camp access for youth who may benefit from a brief structured period compared to a longer traditional camp day.


Your child must be determined eligible for Developmental Disability Services by CSOC and registered for a Qualified Camp prior to submitting the application for CSOC Summer Camp Services.


A youth can be considered eligible for CSOC Summer Camp Services if all of the following conditions are met:


  1. The youth is deemed eligible for CSOC Developmental Disability (DD) Services.
  2. The youth is under the age of 21 and will not turn 21 before the end of the camp dates selected for reimbursement.
  3. The youth resides in their own home with a caregiver.


Youth are eligible for CSOC Summer Camp Services only during the period of time in which they are not eligible to attend an extended school-year program. Financial support is based on available resources in a given fiscal year. The amount of financial support available per individual is capped and may vary year-to-year and by how many families apply.


Completed applications for CSOC Summer Camp Services (Financial Support toward Summer Camp Tuition and One-to-One Aide Services for Summer Camp) must be postmarked or received by PerformCare no later than June 30, 2025. Your application must be complete for the services requested for it to be considered.


Parents and Guardians can now apply online for CSOC Summer Camp Services through the PerformCare Family Portal:


Before applying for Summer Camp Services, please make sure to direct specific questions about camp facilities and camp programming to your preferred camp.


The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute developed a checklist and guide to help you with CSOC's camp application process. Links, dates and other important information can be found in the materials below.

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NJ Disability Information Hub



In Celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act Anniversary


The Department of Human Services has launched the NJ Disability Information Hub, an accessible website that brings together resources from across state government into one place for New Jersey residents with disabilities and their families, caregivers, and advocates.


The website is





FREE Virtual Developmental Screenings


Children's Specialized Hospital is offering these screenings as a tool to learn more about your child's development and to get linked with services if your child exhibits a delay or is at risk. All families are encouraged to register. These screenings are offered in English or Spanish, and are open to children ages 1- 5 1/2 years old. Visit their webpage for information on how to register.





For more information about the Autism Society’s National Helpline 

Click the picture







Facebook Group for Families!!


The goal of the group is to learn about services

available for Special Needs Young and Mature Adults!



Click here






See all of SPAN's upcoming events with details and registration


Click Here



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NJ Department of Human Services Help Line
Human Services Announces New Help Line for Caregivers of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Caregivers Can Call 833-NJ-ADULT (833-652-3858) Daily from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
(TRENTON) – Human Services Commissioner Sarah Adelman today announced a new help line available to support caregivers of adult individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
“Caring for a loved one with an intellectual or developmental disability is an incredible responsibility, and sometimes it presents challenges that can leave a caregiver feeling uncertain, frustrated or alone,” Commissioner Adelman said. “When an individual with intellectual and developmental disabilities is transitioning to adulthood, navigating those changes can sometimes feel like starting over. Caregivers of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities should know they are not alone. We are excited to offer a place for parents to call to speak with other parents who have navigated the transition to adulthood with their own children and have shared similar worries and pressures.”