page contents




     *  Simplified Online SSI Application Now Available



     Understanding and Eligibility for SSI and Medicaid


     *  New Medicaid Fact Sheet


     *  Financial Support Services


     *  Free Resources to Help Family Members Plan for Their Loved

        One’s Future


     *  The ABLE Youth Transition Toolkit




Simplified Online SSI Application Now Available



An online application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is now available for some adults, making the application process easier. Following up on an announcement earlier this year, the simplified online application is part of the agency’s overall commitment to improving access to our benefits and programs.

SSI provides monthly payments to adults and children with disabilities, as well as people 65 and older, who have little or no income and resources


 The enhanced online application is accessible to adults who:
• Are 18-64 years and 10 months and applying for SSI and SSDI.
• Have never been married.
• Have never applied for SSI for themselves or a child.
• Are U.S. citizens or noncitizens (eligibility has not changed)


 If you are a parent or guardian applying for SSI for a minor child or you are 65 and older with limited income and resources, you can schedule an appointment by calling 1-800-772-1213


 To begin the application, visit Apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)



 Understanding SSI and Medicaid: becoming eligible and maintaining eligibility (archived webinar)


Click here to view webinar 1

Click here to view webinar 2



Medicaid Eligibility for DDD Services



To be “Medicaid eligible” means that an individual has applied for and been enrolled in Medicaid and continues to meet the income and financial resources criteria for Medicaid. Every New Jersey resident who qualifies for and receives federal SSI (Supplemental Security Income) automatically receives New Jersey Medicaid. Therefore, it is highly recommended and strongly encouraged that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities immediately apply for SSI when they turn 18.


To apply for SSI, contact the local Social Security office or call the Social Security Administration toll-free at 1.800.772.1213 (TTY 1.800.325.0778). For help, contact DDD’s Medicaid Eligibility Help Desk: [email protected].


Disabled Adult Child (DAC)


The DAC flyer, which was developed several years ago by the NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD), has just been revised, and it is posted on the Division's website. 
The term "DAC" is an acronym for Disabled Adult Child, and the Social Security Administration has a very specific definition of a Disabled Adult Child (DAC), which is explained in the flyer. The newly revised DAC flyer contains important information for families and staff (including support coordinators) to keep in mind when individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The DAC flyer explains the process to be followed when a parent is planning to retire and collect Social Security, or if a parent becomes disabled, or a parent passes away. 


Background information:
When individuals with IDD are approved to receive SSI, they receive Medicaid automatically, without a separate Medicaid application. However, upon a parent's retirement, disability, or death, the usual Social Security process is for the son/daughter with IDD to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), calculated on the parent's work record. In most cases, the SSDI benefit is higher than the SSI amount, so SSI stops. Because SSI and Medicaid began simultaneously, when SSI is scheduled to end, the Medicaid that began with SSI will end too (usually four months later). The DAC flyer describes the process to be utilized in these situations so that the individual with IDD will start to receive Medicaid from the County Board of Social Services without disrupting the Medicaid-managed care services they have been receiving. The process described in the DAC flyer requires the completion of a new application (which is called a Request for Information or RFI), and the DAC flyer describes that process. PLEASE NOTE: During the COVID pandemic, no one should receive a Medicaid termination notice. However, it is important to follow through without delay on the RFI process when that is applicable.


Beverly Roberts
Director, Mainstreaming Medical Care
The Arc of New Jersey
985 Livingston Avenue
North Brunswick, NJ 08902




New Medicaid Fact Sheet


The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute proudly presents our newest factsheet: Types of Medicaid Eligibility in New Jersey. This fact sheet was developed in collaboration with The Arc of New Jersey's Mainstreaming Medical Care Program. It will help families better understand the type of Medicaid their loved one is eligible for. The factsheet also explains what is covered under Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD) Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare and includes links to start the application process. Click either image below to view the factsheet.


Click Here





Financial Support Services



Able accounts




Click here to go to the Able Website




Click here on what Able is



 Additional ABLE account Resources



The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute ABLE Act Go Bag (




New Jersey ABLE Account Information Page (Click Here)




Social Security and ABLE Accounts (




ABLE Now (




How to Enroll (




ABLE Accounts for People with Disabilities (




Roadmap to Enrollment (





Free Resources to Help Family Members Plan for Their Loved One’s Future


Future planning is creating a guide for a person with IDD to lead a good life as independently as possible. Planning for the future after a parent or caregiver is no longer able to provide support is important and possible for all families, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Arc's CENTER FOR FUTURE Planning, CLICK HERE offers free resources to help self-advocates, families, professionals, and others tackle all aspects of future planning, including housing, finances, employment, support services, and more. As you start to think about what a plan might look like or how you can help others plan, we encourage you to explore our resources!  Resources in Spanish


The ABLE Youth Transition Toolkit


The ABLE Youth Transition Toolkit from the ABLE National Resource Center is a comprehensive resource designed to support young people with disabilities as they navigate the transition from adolescence to adulthood. This toolkit provides practical guidance and actionable steps for individuals, families, and educators. By offering information, tools, and strategies tailored to the unique needs and goals of young people with disabilities, the ABLE Youth Transition Toolkit aims to empower them to achieve greater independence, self-determination, and success in all aspects of their lives. 


Find it here.