page contents


On this page, you will find the following resources.


     *  New Jersey Resources ---- VERY HELPFULL!!!!


     *  The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities


     *  Family Guide To Autism Services


     *  ARC of New Jersey


     *  PLAN/NJ


     *  The Family Resource Network


     *  The New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project (NJSAP)


     *  Medicare and Medicaid Employment Supports


     *  SPAN - Parent Advocacy Network - Act Early Resilience Toolkit -

         Children ages 3 - 5


     *  New Jersey Statewide Self Advocacy Network (NJSSAN)




 New Jersey Resources ---- VERY HELPFULL!!!! 


DDS is proud to announce the release of a newly reformatted resource directory, NJ Resources. The new look was developed with a focus on enhanced accessibility, including features like clickable links and redirects, convenient bookmarks to aide in navigation, and alternative text to name a few. Also, instead of updating this useful guide only once per year, the web version will be updated as changes occur.


Click Here 



The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities

Our Mission Is


The Boggs Center, as a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, values uniqueness and individuality and promotes the self-determination and full participation of people with disabilities and their families in all aspects of community life. As a catalyst and resource, The Boggs Center, through partnerships and collaborations, builds capacity in organizations, systems, and communities in a culturally competent manner. In addition, the Boggs Center prepares students through interdisciplinary programs, provides community training and technical assistance, conducts research, and disseminates information and educational materials.


Click Here



Family Guide to Autism Services

Funded by Medicaid/ NJ Family Services


This resource offers parents, family members, and other caregivers of children with autism spectrum
disorders (ASD) information about autism services available through Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare, the
process for accessing them, answers to frequently asked questions, and resources to learn more and









The Arc of New Jersey is the state's largest organization, advocating for and serving children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. The Arc of New Jersey is an affiliated chapter of The Arc, and community-based services are available statewide through our strong network of Local County Chapters. The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute wants to help you navigate the system. If you or a loved one requires services but may be confused or unsure about how to proceed, please click here to submit a Problem Intake Form. Once we've received your information, we will contact you to provide assistance. To speak with someone directly, call 732-828-2022.


Click here for the website.






Planned Lifetime Assistance of New Jersey (PLAN|NJ), a nonprofit organization, helps the families of people with disabilities answer the question:


     “Who will care for my loved one when I’m gone?”

A person with intellectual, developmental, or physical disabilities or mental health challenges needs a bedrock of individually designed support.


     There are so many questions to answer:


      *  “What home environment is best?” 


      *  “Who will visit her when I cannot?”


      *  “How will his medical costs be covered?”


      *. “What activities and support does she need to thrive?”


We offer exemplary care coordination, guided oversight of financial affairs, and compassionate actions to enhance the quality of life. We partner with families to provide their loved ones with a lifetime of assistance. Whether services are needed now or in the future, we initiate assistance whenever a family is ready and help to maintain continuity and peace of mind for all concerned.


Whether they live with intellectual, developmental, or physical disabilities or challenges with mental health such as autism, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, severe mental illness, and more, each individual we serve is provided the coordinated supports they need. We enable people with disabilities to live full and more independent lives. 


Click here for the website.




The Family Resource Network


The Family Resource Network is a comprehensive family-focused umbrella of organizations designed to meet the growing need for community-based programs and services to individuals and families with a variety of disabilities and chronic conditions through our three affiliate organizations; Autism Family Services of New JerseyCaregivers of New Jersey and Epilepsy Services of New Jersey. The Family Resource Network is a statewide organization with offices located in East Windsor, New Jersey. FRN serves approximately 30,000 individuals annually.


Click here for the website.



The New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project (NJSAP)


The New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project (NJSAP) was established in 1983 to challenge individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to become involved in events, legislative policies, and issues affecting their lives or those of others with disabilities.




SPAN - Parent Advocacy Network


We are committed to children and families with the greatest need due to disability or special health/mental health needs; poverty; discrimination based on race/ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, immigrant or homeless status; involvement in the child welfare or juvenile justice systems; geographic location; or other special circumstances. SPAN’s individual assistance, workshops, and resources are available in languages other than English.


Click here for the website.



Medicare and Medicaid Employment Supports


Understanding that you can work, stay on Medicare or Medicaid, and keep the health benefits.


Click here for information.




Act Early Resilience Toolkit



Building resilience, or the ability to endure and grow from adversity, involves strengthening knowledge of parenting and child development, social connections and networks of support, and children's social and emotional competence. The Learn the Signs. Act Early Resilience Toolkit provides resources for supporting the developmental health and resiliency of children ages 3-5 and their families.




This resource offers ideas for making memories with your children, classic games to play, and tools for tracking your child’s development.



Download toolkit – English (PDF) 

Download toolkit – Spanish (PDF) 



New Jersey Statewide Self Advocacy Network (NJSSAN)

About the NJSSAN


The New Jersey Statewide Self-Advocacy Network (NJSSAN) is made up of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) throughout the state. The NJSSAN is used as means of supporting positive change on both a personal and social level. It consists of five Councils based on geographic location within the state.


Click Here to website