* State Rental Assistance Program opens wait lists
* Caregiver roommates offer housing alternative for adults with
disabilities Disability Scoop
* New Jersey Housing Resource for People with Disabilities
* Free Resources to Help Family Members Plan For Their Loved
One's Future
* Free Future Planning Resources from the ARC of US
Affordable Housing available Now For Individuals With Disabilities
Caregiver roommates offer housing alternative for adults with disabilities
An Artical from |
New Jersey Housing Resources for People with Disabilities
Please click on this link to take you to the resources.
Free Resources to Help Family Members Plan for Their Loved One’s Future
Future planning is creating a guide for a person with IDD to lead a good life as independently as possible. Planning for the future after a parent or caregiver is no longer able to provide support is important and possible for all families, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Arc's Center for Future Planning offers free resources to help self-advocates, families, professionals, and others tackle all aspects of future planning, including housing, finances, employment, support services, and more. As you start to think about what a plan might look like or how you can help others plan, we encourage you to explore our resources!