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      *     PerformCare


         *     Resource Alert: Perform Care



PerformCare New Jersey


Applying for Services




PerformCare New Jersey is the Contracted System Administrator (CSA) for the State of New Jersey’s Department of Children and Families, Children’s System of Care (CSOC). PerformCare is the single point of access to a wide array of behavioral health, intellectual and developmental disability services as well as substance use treatment for youth and families throughout New Jersey.


As the CSA, PerformCare provides youths and their families with the services, resources, tools, and support they need to optimally participate in treatment within their homes, schools, and community settings. PerformCare provides the avenue for families to request clinically appropriate, needs-based services with a single phone call any time of the day or night. 


Our partnership with the Children's System of Care (CSOC) and all of CSOC’s providers reflects the State’s dedication to coordinating services and supports for New Jersey youth, and PerformCare’s efforts since 2009 to bring this vision to fruition. During our tenure in New Jersey, we have supported the addition of thousands of youth to the Children’s System of Care.





Resource Alert: PerformCare


Curious about PerformCare and what services are available to your family?


Click here 


for a detailed description of what Family Support Services (FSS) are available.