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In the event that we have virtual classes, we will practice the Golden Rule in this class when online. 


Image result for golden rule



Students will:

1) Be on time to class and remain in class.


2) Check Google Classroom regularly for any information posted in the "Stream" section and assignments posted in "Classwork".  This will be part of our "Do now" practice upon entering class while I take attendance.  


3) Everyone is expected to join Remind.  Your class code can be found in the "Classwork - Homework" section in Google Classroom.  I communicate important information to you via this tool.


4) Your participation in class is essential to your success.*  You are expected to answer questions when called upon via "Chat", verbally, and via camera, and complete all assignments posted in Google Classroom.  Note assignment due dates and times!


5) Do your own work!  Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a zero (0) grade for both parties involved in the incident if applicable.  You are only hurting yourself if you plagiarize. 


6) Encourage and support your classmates.  


7) Focus on the live lesson.  You are expected to take notes and tune out distractions.  Keep your phone off during the block, keep TV and radio off, do not have other Internet pages open unless instructed by the teacher, and play video games after school.


8) Teacher Absences:  You will be notified via Google Classroom Stream and Remind in the event that I will be/am absent.  Please follow the directions on my Stream post.  ATTENDANCE will be taken via the Attendance Google Form that everyone must complete.  In the event that I am absent, you must complete absence-assigned work at the end of the block to get credit.  Any assignments submitted after the block is over will not be graded and result in a zero (O) applied to the indicated category.


9) Past Due or Updated Assignments:  When you complete past-due assignments or update assignments per my suggestion/request, you must inform me via the Remind app.  If you do not, you will not receive credit for it.  When you send me the Remind message, be sure to include the assignment name.


10) Quiz/Test Policy: Student cameras must be ON during a quiz or test.  Failure to comply will result in a zero (0) grade with no retake available.  


11) Retakes of Quizzes and Tests: Any quiz or test score of 69% or below may be taken at a mutually agreed upon time during tutoring.  Request a tutoring appointment with Mr. Romano via Remind or email.  Note: you will receive the average of the two quizzes or tests, not the higher score.




Class Discussions:

If a student is called upon to participate in a lesson and responds, great!  If a student is called upon but doesn't respond, the student will receive a -10 on the current assignment.  When called upon a second time after not participating, the non-responsive student will receive a zero (0) for the assignment. 



I can monitor your Google Docs/Slides/Chromebook and other assignments.  If you are not working on the assignment, I will encourage you to get on task.  If I find that you are on task upon rechecking, then everything is great.  If you still are not on task, you could receive a zero (0) for the assignment.