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Study for Your Quizzes & Tests!

To prepare for the exams, tests, and quizzes, review the following habits and skills.


                              Good Study Habits

  •   Use index/flashcards to study
  •   Study in a quiet comfortable place, eat and take breaks
  •   Rewrite topics you need to study and may not know as well as other topics
  •   Eliminate distractions: TV, cell phone, iPod, etc.
  •   Ask for help studying, study with a group of classmates, study often – don’t cram
  •   Test yourself
  •   Take good notes
  •   Review your notes daily
  •   Make a song with the study topics
  •   Use the SQ3R study method: Study/Question/Review/Read/Recite



                     Good Quiz/Test-Taking Skills

  •   Arrive to class ON TIME
  •   Read directions carefully (even if you think you know what to do)
  •   Look over the test completely before you start
  •   Underline keywords and phrases in the question, cross-out wrong choices,            utilize the process of elimination and take an educated guess
  •   Answer the questions you know first, mark the questions you don’t know and go    back to them
  •   Look back at other questions for clues to difficult questions
  •   Focus on your own paper and keep quiet during the test/quiz
  •   Be confident by being prepared (study, study, study)
  •   Have a strategy, for example: answer the questions worth the most first
  •   Write your answers legibly
  •   Check over your answers when finished