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The FBLA-PBL Mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership

and career development programs.


FBLA Website: 



The state-level chapter is the New Jersey Future Business Leaders of America (NJ FBLA).


NJ FBLA is divided into 4 regions: Northern, North Central, Central, and Southern. This ensures fair competition as well as manageable divisions for the state officers.


NJ FBLA sponsors three events: State Fall Leadership Conference (SFLC), Regional Competitive Events (RCEs), and State Leadership Conference (SLC). Attend as many conferences as possible – the more you attend, the more you learn and enjoy!


NJ FBLA also hosts smaller events such as the Regional Meetings. 


NJ FBLA Website:  


2023 - 2024 IHS FBLA Executive Board


President:  Abigail D. 

Vice President:  Ytaliash J. 

Secretary:  Emideline L.

Correspondence Secretary:   

Treasurer:  Sofia C.

Historian:  Mohammed S.

Reporter:  Tracy J.B. 

Sergeant of Arms: 

Advisers: Mr. Joseph Romano, Mr. Steven Wilson


To learn more about the Irvington HS FBLA, click on the presentation below:

About the IHS Future Business Leaders of America '23.ppt 


NOTE: Meetings take place biweekly at 3 pm on Thursdays in Room 601 or virtually



Open the document below for more information.

FBLA Recruitment Flyer