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There are many forms of bullying.  Direct bullying is defined as hitting, kicking, shoving, spitting, taunting,teasing, using slurs and/or verbally  another person, and/or using threatening, obscene gestures.  Indirect bullying is getting another person to bully someone for you, spreading rumors, deliberately excluding someone from a group or activity, and cyberbullying. 

Bullying differs from conflict.  With bullying, there is an imbalance of power.  One child has a hard time defending himself or herself (BULLYING) rather than two people having a disagreement or fight (CONFLICT). 



What can parents do?


 - Keep open lines of communication with your child so that your child feels comfortable coming to you.


 - Be a good example of kindness and leadership for your child. 


- Model positive technology behavior – establish “no device time”, collect devices at night and exhibit civility both on and offline.


 - Educate your child regarding appropriate internet use and help them to understand why something might be inappropriate. 


 - Monitor your child’s activities on the internet.  You can do this informally by being an active participant in their internet usage or you can do this through software.  Be careful not to overreact, but use information to ask questions and to have teachable moments.


-  If your child believes he/she is being bullied, convey unconditional support to your child.  Make your child feel safe and secure. 


- Be aware of your school’s policy on bullying and work with your child’s counselor and teachers to address any concerns you or your child may have.  


Please refer to  to view Washington Township School District Board of Education Policy 5512.01 Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying.


Helpful websites:

This website offers information for parents, teens, and children on bullying and cyber bullying.  It also has educational videos and games that students can watch and play.

Making Caring Common (MCC), a project of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, researches and develops effective strategies for promoting kindness and caring in our youth.

 This website features online resources for parents and children regarding bullying