Deep Breathing Techniques
Start with the eight on its side and start in the middle.
Go up to the left and trace the left part of the 8 with your finger while you breathe in.
When you get to the middle of the eight again, breathe out while you trace the right part of the 8 with your finger.
5 - 5 - 10 BREATHING
Breathe in for 5, hold for 5 and breathe out for 10.
25 Mindfulness activites that you may want to try!
Click below to read about ways to practice mindfulness and start today!
Mindfulness for Children (and adults too!).pdf
10 Minute Guided Meditation to ease Anxiety Worry, Overthinking & Urgency | Soothing Calm | POWERFUL
Mindshift CBT- Anxiety Canada
Free app for IOS and iPad: great scientifically based anxiety tools (includes guided meditations, anxiety check-ins, help to adjust your thinking and tools to help you when you need the help fast)