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Helpful Hints for Students

Transitioning from Grade 5 to Grade 6


 Practice using combination locks at LVMS during the summer.

Visit LVMS during the open house in August and find your classrooms.


Become familiar with the LVMS website and your house teachers' websites.  Important information such as supplies needed, homework assignments, and upcoming dates to remember will be posted here.  Activies, clubs, and sports information can be found on the LVMS website as well!  

Remember to bring your proper supplies to class.

Always bring your agenda to class and write down homework assignments, upcoming test dates, and long term projects that are assigned.  Use your teachers' websites to double check what you have written in your agenda!

Select a “study buddy” from each of your classes – someone you can call if you have a question – and write his/her name, email, and/or phone number in your agenda.


Listen to the daily announcements for information about after school activities, sports, clubs and LVMS news.  You can read the daily announcements on the LVMS website and print your own copy at home.  Daily announcements also run on the tv screen in the Guidance Office window outside of the cafeteria.

If you don’t understand something, ask for help. 

Your teachers, counselors, nurse, and administrators are here to help you be successful at LVMS.

BE RESPECTFUL OF EVERYONE – in school, on the field, on the bus, in the halls, at lunch, and at events.  Remember, Positive Attitudes Will  Succeed!!

Become part of the spirit of LVMS by joining one activity, club, sport or event.