Fauvist style landscape
NJCCCS: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
1.The students will learn about Fauvist style landscapes.
2.The students will create a fauvist style landscape.
Materials- Pencils, colored pencils, and paper
1 Fauvism was an art movement popular in France from 1904 to 1908 that was known for its use of vivid color. Fauves is the French word for ‘the wild beasts’. The use of wild color is the focus in this artwork and it is used to express feeling. The leader of this movement was artist Henri Matisse.
2. Take a look at the work of fauvism artist work on the fauvism link. Examine his non-traditional use of color. Use your imagination to create your own fauvist landscape composition.
3. Create a fauvist landscape drawing using colored pencils. Use different techniques while coloring like pressure variation to lighten and darken colors; cross-hatching with closely spaced lines; and layering colors to create different hues. If you do not have colored pencils you may use any art materials.
4. Turn in your fauvist landscape drawing completed when we return to school.