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When to Keep Your Child Home From School




Stay Home If:


Return to School When:







Yellow or green pus appears


Eye Infection 

Drainage-free for 24 hours with 24 hours of treatment

The temperature on an oral thermometer reads 100 F or higher (100.4 for an ear, rectal or forehead temperature)



Fever-free for 24 hours, without fever reducing medication

You suspect or know your child has nits and/or live lice



After treatment and removal of nits & lice the school nurse will re-check the following school morning

Your healthcare provider diagnoses or suspects strep throat.


Sore Throat

24 hours after beginning Antibiotics

Your child is vomiting or has uncontrollable diarrhea



Vomit & diarrhea-free for 24 hours.





Time frames are subject to change based on Covid-19 & the school's policies & procedures.  Please check with your School Nurse or School Administrator for updated information.



Updated 6/3/21