page contents


1st Marking Period Binder Contents Check


Contents and organization will be

checked on OR BEFORE:




*You may turn in any

unused jail cards for extra credit

when I check your binder contents!

(Dates subject to change)


Updated 7-31-23, 11:30 am


*You must keep an organized binder (no smaller than 1 inch binding and no bigger than 2 inches binding) and 5 folders that open (with one sleeve per side) for all of your papers during each marking period.  You will need loose college-ruled paper or a notebook to take paper out for written assignments. One folder should be titled CURRENT WORK, so that you can easily store/access current assignments that are soon due.


*The outside of each SHOULD be labeled CW, 1, 2, 3, and 4 and placed in the following order:

CW) Current Work
1) Handouts/Chapter Notes/Outlines,
2) Worksheets/Vocabulary/Study Guides,
3) Syllabus/Chapter Packets,
4) Lab Procedures/Labs/Projects
All sections should be in order by chapter, with the newest on top.


*Below is the specific work to be collected in your Current Marking Period Binder:  


If I did not give back any assignment to your class, you will not be responsible for having it in your binder!


*Don’t forget:

Progress sheet (folder 1 on left)

Class syllabus packet (folder 3 on left)

Lab Guidelines contract & Safety Procedures  (folder 4 on left)


Label the inside of each folder with the underlined (bulleted) information for each appropriate side:


 *Folder 1 – 

  • Handouts (1st folder on left)
    1.   Progress sheet


  • Chapter Notes/Outlines - (in order on right):

   (Notes or Outlines are required to complete for every chapter)




*Folder 2 – 

  • Worksheets (2nd folder on left) -



  • Vocab & Test Study Guides (2nd folder on right)



*Folder 3  

  • Class Syllabus (3rd folder on left)


  • Packets (in order on right)



*Folder 4 –

  • Lab Guidelines & Safety Procedures (4th folder on left)
    1. Lab Safety Contract / Rules - Keep all 4 Marking Periods
      •  What should be listed:
        • MP 1:
        • MP 2:
        • MP 3:
        • MP 4:


  • Lab Reports / Projects / Activities (in order on right)