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Unit 2: The Novel
Things Fall Apart by Chinua  Achebe Schmoop page on Things Fall Apart Awesome packet that lists helpful African terms used in the novel. Also has literary element examples.


Students learn what happens when cultures collide from the perspective of the "other."

They come to understand the effects of globalization, cultural diffusion, and the struggle

between tradition and change. Students also learn to discuss the literary merits of

various texts by talking about their form, theme, language, and style. This unit connects

to geography themes, specifically culture and language.


Text Use:

Development of complex characters with conflicting motivations

and different points of view, theme, style, and use of rhetoric


Reading: RL.9-10.1

, RL.9-10.2, RL.9-10.3, RL.9-10.4, RL.9-10.6,

RL.9-10.9, RL.9-10.10,

RI.9-10.1, RI.9-10.2, RI.9-10.3, RI.9-10.4,

RI.9-10.5, RI.9-10.6,

RI.9-10.7, RI.9-10.8, RI.9-10.10

Writing: W.9-10.1a-e

, W.9-10.2a-f, W.9-10.3a-e, W.9-10.4,


W.9-10.6, W.9-10.7, W.9-10.8,

W.9-10.9a-b, W.9-10.10

Speaking and Listening: SL.9-10.1a-d

, SL.9-10.2, SL.9-10.3, SL.9-10.4,

SL.9-10.5, SL.9-10.6

Language: L.9-10.1a-b

; L.9-10.2a-c; L.9-10.3a; L.9-10.4a, c-d;

L.9-10.5a-b; L.9-10.6



Complete questions as students read. Each set of questions will be 100 points each.


  Things Fall Apart.pdf   Projects are on page 5 and the rubrics for

group and individual performance are on pages 71 and 72. 

Each group must have: 1) a physical absract/demonstration

                                       2) a PowerPoint or Prezi with 10 slides where each group member teaches class the topic.

                                       3) an interview where students pretend that 2 members are experts and 2 other members interview them in an imaginary                                                     5-minute spot on a morning television news program. Finished video must be uploaded to YouTube.


Students complete the graphic organizer as they read. This will assist

students when they write their paper on how complex characters

and their motivations develop themes of tradition v. change,

cultural collisions, masculinity, religion, and fate v. free will.


Text Section

Key Interactions

Key Ideas



















Here is a graphic organizer so that students keep up

with the many symbols in the novel.


Page #














The Mother of Spirits



The Egwugwu







Skill Activity Assessment  
Topic: Culture, globalization, and language Daily tasks    Culminating writing task (analyze how character conflicts and perspectives develop theme  and compare and contrast different interpretations of culture by analyzing points of view of different characters)  
Themes: Change versus tradition and the results of cultural collisions Daily analysis tasks A cold read where student reads and comprehends grade-level texts and writes in response to text     
Text use: development of complex characters with conflicting motivations and different points of view, theme, style, and use of rhetoric Daily sythesis tasks Extension project: read and cite research from nonfiction texts and apply nonfiction research to write narratives. Students will sythesize and present information from research and narratives in a presentation.  

Things Fall Apart Unit Calendar






-Read “The Second Coming” by Yeats

-Background info on Achebe

-Handout Symbols and Character Charts

-Begin reading TFA

-Finish Ch. 1-3 for HW

-Discuss Ch. 1-3

-In Critical Thinking Questions (CTQs)

-Start reading Ch.4

-Finish through Ch.5 for HW

-Activity for Chapter 4+5, students teach each other.

-Students read 6+7 for HW

 -Discussion on 6+7

-Students work on CTQs for 6+7

-Read 8+ 9 for homework

- Discussion on 8+9

-In Class Readers Response

-Students work on CTQs

-Read 10 and 11 for homework

-Charts check in

-Activity for Chapter 10 + 11, students teach each other.

-Read 12+13 for homework

-Discuss Chapter 12+13

-Study Review

-HW - study



-Start reading Ch. 14

- Read 14 – 16 for HW


-Discuss Ch. 14 – 16

-Students work on CTQs

-Read 17+18 for HW

-Activity for Ch. 17+18, students teach each other.

-Read 19 + 20 for HW


-Discuss 19+20

-Read/discuss 20 + 21 in Class

-Read 22+23 for HW

-Hand out Final Essay Assignment

-Discuss 22+23

-Read Ch. 24 in Class

HW – Finish Book, write Thesis Statement

-Write Outline/ Rough Draft in Class


-Finish Rough Draft in Class

-Peer Edit

-Paper Due