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 2024-25 October Activities at LVMS:


The Week of Respect: 10/7 - 10/11  




All schools in New Jersey designate the first week in October as the Week of Respect.

During the Week of Respect at LVMS, students will focus on respect for the diversity among us.  Students in grades 6-8 will read a message of respect in various languages on the morning announcements.  On Tuesday, students will take part in a schoolwide activity sharing how they show respect at LVMS!


WEAR BLUE ON MONDAY to show your support for World Day of Bullying Prevention!


WEAR SCHOOL COLORS ON FRIDAY  to show that "While we are all different, we come together as a school community."


 October 21st - 25th VIOLENCE AWARENESS WEEK aka PEACE WEEK         



Throughout the week,  messages of tolerance & positivity will be played during morning announcements. 

A technology letter, promoting awareness of social networking websites, will be posted on the LVMS website.   

Students and staff are encouraged to WEAR PURPLE on Friday to show support of ending school violence. 




October 28th - 31st  RED RIBBON WEEK        


Red Ribbon Week serves as a vehicle for the community and LVMS students to take a stand and make a commitment to live drug free lives. Students will have the chance to participate in dress up days for a RED RIBBON SPIRIT WEEK to show support of living a drug free lifestyle.