Rocket Math is a fun way to shoot for the stars by knowing your addition and subtraction facts! A core skill of second grade math is mastering addition and subtraction fact fluency. Students need to know basic facts as we build on that knowledge for multi-digit addition/subtraction, multiplicat
ion, and division concepts.
What is Rocket Math?
Rocket Math is a leveled, timed test given weekly to assess your child's mastery of basic addition/subraction facts. Students are individually assessed on his/her level. Once a student masters the basic facts on a particular level, completing the entire assessment correctly in a matter of minutes, he/she will move on to the next level. Rocket Math consists of 26 levels, A to Z, ranging from easy addition facts, with minimal problems, to subraction and addition facts, with more problems to solve in a minute.
How does it work?
- Every student has a personal rocket to track his/her progress.
- Students take a timed test at their level every Tuesday & Thursday.
- Once all problems are answered correctly your son/daughter advances to the next letter.
- The goal of Rocket Math is to beat your personal best and shoot as high as you can by the end of 2nd grade.
How to help your child reach for the stars?
Rocket Math is a fun way to reinforce addition and subraction fluency while encouraging your child to meet personal goals. To help your son/daughter reach her highest potential, practice addition and subtraction facts at home regularly. The only way to reach addition and subtraction fluency is to memorize those facts! Pick up flashcards at the dollar store or the dollar spot at Target.