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Homework Schedule:


Homework is an important means of reinforcing academic skills at home, preparing for assessments, and allows your child to interact with material in fun, meaningful ways. Your child will bring his/her Monthly Homework Folder home the first school-day of every month. Inside you will find:




Monthly Reading Log 

Your child will bring home a monthly Reading Log the first school-day of the month. The reading log allows your child to keep track of his or her reading throughout the month. The ARC Reading Program encourages students to read 30 minutes per night. Your child will bring home books he/she chooses from our Classroom Library to read at home in his/her blue book bag.


Monthly Math Tic-Tac-Toe:

Math homework will allow your child to practice and reinforce core second grade math skills. Monthly homework may include addition and/or subtraction flashcards to work towards fact fluency, or a packet to practice a current skill being taught in the classroom.



EXTRA Online Fun:

Your child can access our online programs at home using Clever  to brush up on his/her reading and math skills. XtraMath, Prodigy, and Smarty Ants are perfect “Homework.”






Check Folder Nightly

Check Math & Literacy HW