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      Please see the side tab for Parent/Teacher conferences



 Weekly Reminders: Week of 10/21

- Confernece dates are: 10/16 and 10/24.

- No spelling this week    

- Please check your child's BLUE or GREEN Flex folder nightly. 

- Please sign and return tests and quizzes. 

- Please check the Flex webpage and planner for HW and assignments.

- Flex class teams page: See Side Tabs.

 * dates subject to change*



Second Grade: 

- Grammar - Subject and predicate

- Phonics - /ng/, /nk/, and /el/ sounds and words with the -ing ending. There are a lot of concepts (with some overlapping) - week-long review.

- Spelling - Spelling quiz Friday, 10/25.

- LA - Begin "A Cherokee Stickball Game" Test Tuesday 10/29.

- Writing - sequencing



Third Grade:

- Grammar - plural endings

- Phonics - /a/ = ai; ay  and /el/ = le; el; al; il and plural endings 

- Spelling - Spelling quiz Friday 10/25.

- LA - Begin "Bummer and Lazarus" Test Tuesday 10/29.

- Writing- Main idea, sequencing