Weekly Reminders: Week of 1/21
- Next Spelling quizzes Friday, 1/24.
- Next Story/Skills test Tuesday, 1/28.
- Catholic Schools Week 1/27-1/31.
- Wednesday, 1/29 Mass at 9AM followed by Open House.
- Please check your child's BLUE or GREEN Flex folder nightly.
- Please sign and return tests and quizzes.
- Please check the Flex webpage and planner for HW and assignments.
* dates subject to change*
Contact: [email protected]
Second Grade:
- HW - Wednesday (1/23) - finish sentences if not done in class, Study
LA - homophone ws optional (spelling homophone practice)
- Grammar - homophones, plural nouns -s, -es
- Phonics - long vowel /e/
- Spelling - Spelling quiz Friday, 1/24.
- LA - "In My Own Backyard" assessment Tuesday, 1/28.
- Writing - sequencing events, using order words for sequencing
Third Grade:
- HW (1/23) - Spelling - finish sentences if not done in class, Study
LA - past tense ws (only top)
- Grammar - prefixes, tenses
- Phonics - words with prefixes
- Spelling - Spelling quiz Friday, 1/24.
- LA - "Every Vote Counts" assessment Tuesday, 1/28.
- Writing- persuassive writing, main idea