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Week of 4/13

"Charlotte's Web"


injustice – (noun) unfairness or lack of justice


approached – (verb) to come very near; to get closer to


promptly – (adjective) very quickly; without delay


gaze – (verb) to stare at something


commotion – (noun) a disturbance; loud or noisy behavior


reconsider – (verb) to review something for a possible change in decision


glutton – (noun) someone who is greedy, especially with food


runt – (noun) the smallest animal in a litter; sometimes does not survive


salutations – (noun) a fancy way of saying hello to someone


adoringly – (adverb) to like or admire very much




Week of 4/22 and 4/29

Charlotte's Web: Chapters 5-8   

1. gnawing - to bite or chew something repeatedly


2. objectionable - causing people to be offended

3. wits - the ability to think or reason

4. scheming - making plans 

5. hoisted - to have raised something high up in the air 

6. gratified - made happy 

7. hysterics - an extreme emotion 

8. unremitting - not stopping 

9. queerly - oddly

10. scruples - a feeling that prevents you from doing something that's wrong



Charlotte's Web: Chapters 9-12 - week of 5/6

1) spinnerets – the part of a spider’s body that produces the silky threads that help spin a web


2) campaign – a series of planned actions to accomplish a goal of some sort


3) radiant – shines with joy and life; something that shines brightly


4) mercy – showing compassion


5) descended – to move down


6) delectable – good tasting


7) idiosyncrasy – an unusual way in which a person behaves


8) attire – a person’s clothing


9) oblige – to do something that is asked of you


10) seized – took hold of



Charlotte's Web: Chapters 13-16


1. anxiety - really worried over an event


2. rummaging - searching and moving things around during the search


3. hunble - you don't take a lot of credit for the wonderful things you do


4. midway - part of the fair that has the carnival rides and games


5. stowaway - somoene secretly taking a trip on a boat or bus



Charlotte's Web: Chapters 17-22 vocabulary week of 5/28


1. gorge - to stuff yourself with food


2. phenomenon - an unusual event that is usually spectacular


3. indigestion - when your stomach hurts from the food you have eaten


4. triumph - a victory or a win


5. languishing - hopeless or weak