"Victor's Journal" Vocabulary
1. while (noun) a period of time
2. blueprints (noun) papers that show the plan for building something
3. cement (noun) a powder made by burning a mixture of limestone and clay
4. lever (noun) a rod or bar attached to a machine, used to work or control it
5. frame (noun) the skeleton of a building
6. insulated (verb) covered to slow or stop the flow of electricity, heat, or sound
"My Community and Me" Vocabulary
1. role (noun) the part played by a person or thing in relationship to others
2. evolve (verb) to develop or grow slowly
3. gain (verb) to get relies verb trusts; depends
4. running (verb) moving or happening continuously
5. develop (verb) to slowly bring into being
6. discover (verb) to see or find out for the first time
7. fascination (noun) the state of feeling intense interest in something
8. courteous (adjective) polite true adjective faithful to someone or something; loyal