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"The Green Grass Grows All Around"



1. middle (noun) the center ground noun soil; land

2. ever (adverb) throughout all time

3. around (adverb) on all sides of

4. root (noun) the part of a plant that grows down into the ground

5. branch (noun) a part of a tree or bush that grows out from the trunk

6. twig (noun) a small branch of a tree or other woody plant



"A Bran New American Family" week 5/28


1. gnawed (verb) bit again and again 

2. register (verb) to record information officially  

3. federal (adjective) having to do with the central government  

4. courthouse (noun) a building in which courts of law are held  

5. vendors (noun) people who sell things  

6. revolving (adjective) moving in a circle around a central point or object  

7. anticipation (noun) a feeling of excitement about something in the future  

8. hints (noun) slight signs or suggestions  

9. keen (adjective) sharp or quick in seeing, hearing, or thinking  

10. charge (verb) to give a task or responsibility to  

11. uphold (verb) to support or defend  

12. faithfully (adverb) accurately or exactly