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Spelling "Mattland"

Spell words with the sounds /ā/ = a_e, a    and    /ī/ = i_e, i


1. mild

2. pale

3. pilot

4. paper

5. bake

6. time

7. sale

8. ride

9. able   

10. kind   


Bonus Words:


11. apron

12. final

13. while

14. became

15. radar   


Spelling "A River of Ice"

Spell words with the /ō/ and /ū/ sounds.

1. menu

2. nose

3. most

4. cube 

5. joke

6. unit

7. vote

8. fuse

9. over   

10. mule   


Bonus Words:

11. stone

12. bugle

13. total

14. hugest

15. suppose