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Spelling "Ecosystem Invaders"


Spell words with various Greek and Latin roots. 

ast means “star”

graph means “write”

log means “word” or “study”

scop means “see” 

grat means “pleasing” 

mar means “sea”

miss means “send”

port means “carry”


1. grateful

2. mission

3. report 

4. autograph 

5. astronaut 

6. dialogue

7. import

8. marine

9. photograph

10. mariner

11. dismiss   

12. gratitude


Bonus Words:  

13. astronomy 

14. apology 

15. telescope

16. biography

17. microscope

18. transportation


"Is This Panama?" Spelling

Spell words practiced throughout the unit.

1. scary

2. shipment

3. inclusive 

4. likable 

5. penniless

6. activity

7. coastal

8. vacation

9. pollution

10. weakness

11. zipper   

12. remove 


Bonus Words:

13. apology 

14. report   

15. astronaut 

16. electricity

17. survival

18. biography