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2019-2020 (Just a few of the highlights of the year)


(1st-4th): Magic Tree House Series: We read 4 novels through listening comprehension and completed summaries of each chapter. We had independent research of topics explored in each novel: Dinosaurs, Medieval Times, Ancient Egypt, and Louisiana Pirate: Jean LaFitte. Students drew pictures, wrote poetry, and found/recorded facts from their Internet research. Students spoke about all 4 topics to their peers. Job well done!


 (4th-6th) Greek and Latin Root Words: Students learned over 40 Greek and Latin roots; They defined voc, wrote sentences, drew pictures, etc. Final product was to write a fiction story with half of their words learned using Google Doc.  Bravo!!


* We also had fun art projects this year! Name symmetry, winter snow globe, and patterns art.


* Coding short stories on csfirst!  Google coding was super fun!