page contents

Each spelling list consists of 20 words, 5 of them are challenge words ( marked with an *)  Homework will be given each night. There will be a pretest on Wednesdays to help students know which words they will need the most practice on. The final weekly spelling test is on Fridays.  Please help practice these words each week with your child. 



Unit 4, Week 1



wolves     knives     feet     men     children


women     sheep     heroes     scarves     mice


geese     wives     elves     banjos     halves


*loaves     *beliefs     *tomatoes     *potatoes     *tornadoes




 Unit 4, Week 2



third     early     world     certain     dirty


herself     earth     word     perfect     verb


nerve     worm     thirsty     workout     earn


*determine     *commercial     *whirlwind     *worthwhile     *virtual



Unit 4, Week 3


prepaid     midnight     overflow     outdoors     outline 


overgrown     prefix     Midwest     pretest     midpoint


outgoing     overtime     overdue     outside     outfield


*precaution     *prediction     *midsection     *overweight     *prehistoric




Unit 4, Week 4


dentist     editor     artist     hostess     actress 


swimmer     seller     tutor     tourist     organist


lioness     shipper     chemist     investor     conductor


 *announcer     *pharmacist     *journalist     *commuter     *pianist




Unit 4, Week 5


monster     tourist    explode     dentist    control


sample     artist     midnight    perfect    heroes


actress     certain     chemist     scarves     outgoing


outdoors   early   earn   banjos