page contents



Please check your child's homework agenda book daily.  Your child will be reqired to write down his/her homework and behavior color for each day.  Please initial at the bottom of the column after you have checked your child's homework. If you have any questions or concerns please write me a note at the bottom of the column as I check the books on a daily basis as well. Thank you for your continued help and support!


Weekly Homework Schedule


   Monday:        Family Letter / Study Guide

                            (Skills being taught for the week, vocabulary, spelling words)   

                          Spelling Packet: Monday Worksheet

                                ( All the spelling homework pages for the week)

                           Math Online Homework

                                   ( Envision Math assignments)

                           Reading Log

                                (Students must read 15 minutes each night.

                                   Parents are required to inital the log and      

                                   they are due every Friday.)

                           Reflex Math- 3 times a week 

   Tuesday:        Spelling  Tuesday Worksheet

                           Math Online Homework

                           Reading Log

                            Reflex Math


   Wednesday:   Spelling Wednesday Worksheet

                           Math Online Homework

                           Reading Log

                            Reflex Math


    Thursday:      Study for Spelling Test

                           Math Online Homework

                           Reading Log


    Friday:           Spelling Packet Due

                           Spelling Test

                           Reading Test

                           Reading Logs are Due / Start new Reading Log

                           Reflex Math