Dear Parent(s),
In the next two weeks, we will be discussing the miracles of Jesus. We will be working on a booklet that contains some of the miracles that Jesus performed. Once complete the booklet will be sent home for good. These miracle booklets will help your child to learn about Jesus and prepare your child to complete the following assignment.
Each student will be responsible for creating a “Shoe Box Miracle” or a diorama using a shoe box. The diorama should be a representation of a Miracle of Jesus. Students do not need to choose a miracle from this booklet only. They may draw pictures; cut pictures from magazine/books; download pictures from the internet, or use figures (legos, small dolls etc.) to represent images.
In addition, on an index card all students should write a sentence or two to describe the miracle for their display. Each student will be asked to present his or her miracle and read from the card.
The “Shoe Box Miracle” will be due by April 7 but children may bring them in as they are finished. The boxes will be displayed in the church vestibule in time for Easter Sunday.
Thank you in advance for your help with these!