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Weekly Spelling Homework


*All spelling homework should be completed in the green notebook with your child's name on it. Your child will refer to this book as their "H Book".

*There will be a pre-test given every Monday.



 Monday - Write spelling words 1-10 three times each. 


Tuesday - Write spelling words 1-10 three times in ABC order.  For the first few weeks we will be sending home colored mini index cards with each word and it's respective number. 


 Wednesday - Write 5 sentences using any of the spelling words. Sentences should be 3-4 words (or more if able) at the beginning of the year and gradually increased to 5-7 words. Sentences should start with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark. Underline the spelling word in each sentemce.  

Beginning in January, the children will be asked to write a paragraph/story using 5 of the spelling words. This will only be on Wednesdays. 


Thursday - Write 5 sentences for the remaining 5 spelling words. Sentences should be 3-4 words (or more if able) at the beginning of the year and gradually increased to 5-7. Sentences should start with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark.  Underline the spelling word in each sentence.  STUDY for spelling test on Friday.


Friday - Spelling test given in school. No homework.