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March Kindergarten Everyday Math Home Links









I have 1 frog, 2 fish, and 3 lizards.  How many animals do I have?

Line up 5 toys. Point to the one that is first, fifth, third. Name the toy that is fourth.

Look around the room. Find five things that are above your head.

Count to 110 or as high as you can go. Use the number grid for help.

Look around the room.  Find five things that are below your shoulders.



Count all the fingers in your family. Hint… Count them by fives.

Practice saying your phone number. Start with   the area code. Can you write it down?

Practice counting to 110. Start at 45, 68 and 97. Use the number grid for help.

Get some nickels. Count how much money you have. Did you count by fives? 

I have 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 1 rabbit.  How many animals do I have?



Look for things that come in pairs. Count them by two’s.  Can you count to 10 by twos? 

Count backwards from 20 to 0. Use the number grid for help.

Look at your number grid. What comes between 12 and 14, 11 and 13, 14 and 16, 23 and 25? 

Get a handful of coins. Pick out the quarters. How many do you have? 

Say the 3 numbers that follow 76, 44, and 88. Count backwards and say the 3 numbers that come before 7, 19, and 13.



Hold something in each hand.  Which one is heavier? Which one is lighter?

Look at the clock. About what time is it? Where is the hour hand pointing?

Use your number grid. Count by 10’s. Count by 5’s as high as you can.

I have 3 cars, 2 trucks and 3 buses. How many toys do I have? 

Get a handful of coins. Sort them. How many cents do you have in pennies?



I am 6 years old. You are 5 years old. Who is older? Who is younger?

Find 5 things in the room that are rectangles.

Use your number grid. Say the number that is two more than 3, two more than 6, and two more than 13. 

Tell someone when your birthday is. Now say the days of the week. How many days are there in one week?

Find 5 things in the room that are squares.


Please note: If any of these activities are too difficult or too easy for your child, consider modifying or adjusting the numbers to better reflect his or her needs.