updated 2-1-25
Online Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 SY, is now open!
2/5 -PTO Meeting 7PM
2/10-PTO Spirit Day (wear Red, White & Blue or Cucinella Spirit wear)
2/11-Board of Education Meeting
2/14-Valentine day party- don’t forget to wear read
2/17 Presidents' Day - Schools Closed
2/20- Yearbook Sale Launch Date
3/21 BAC Talent Show
3/22 STEM Expo 2025
3/31-4/4 Schools Closed Spring Break
January 1st. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
January 2nd-Welcome back to school!
January 7th- Board of Education Meeting at the LVMS
January 13th- Spirit day- Wear your school colors
January 20th-School Closed Martin Luther King,Jr. Day
January 24th- Snowball Dance Family Fun Night
11/11 Spirit Day
11/11-11/15 Theater Week
11/27 Early Dismissal for Thanksgiving Break
11/28-11/29 Thanksgiving Break (No School)
- Happy Thanksgiving from our families to yours
12/6 Gingerbread House Decorating PTO Family Fun Night and School picture re-take.
12/9 PTO Meeting 7PM and Report cards for 1st trimester.
12/9 Spirit Day
12/11-12/13 Holiday Shop
12/20-1/1 Winter Break 12/20 early dismissal
- Wishing you all a happy and healthy new year!!!
pdated 10/27
October 14th- School closed for students
October 15th- School Spirit Day
October 17th - Lifetouch School Picture Day
The State of New Jersey designates the week beginning with the third Monday in October of each year as School Violence Awareness Week. We draw attention to school safety this week & all year through methods to keep our school safe, practicing school security drills, teaching conflict resolution, bullying prevention, and showing respect & tolerance.
Monday, October 21
Wear Bright Colors Be seen & see others! |
Tuesday, October 22
Wear PJs or Comfy Clothes Safe & sound (and cozy)! |
Wednesday, October 23
Wear a Tie or Bow We are all tied together as a school! |
Thursday, October 24
Wear Athletic Clothes We are flexible & strong when we solve problems together. |
Friday, October 25
Wear Spirit Wear or School Colors When everyone belongs, bullying cannot happen. |
October 25th- PTO trunk or treat
October 31st- Halloween party and parade
November 4th, 5th and 6th- early dismissal-
parent-teacher conferences.
November 7th and 8th- school closed.
November 27th- Early dismissal
November 28-th and 29th- Happy Thanksgiving!
Last updated10/12
September 30th- School wide PJ Day!
Welcome to
Mrs. Burrows and Mrs. Tedona's
Kindergarten class
of 2024 - 2025
September 30th- School wide PJ Day!
October 3rd- No School
October 7th-11th Week Of Respect* see below
October 14th- No school for students -Staff PD day
October 15th- School Spirit Day
October 17th - Lifetouch School Picture Day
October 25th- PTO trunk or treat
October 31st- Halloween party and parade
*Oct 7th- wear your fun run t-shirt
Oct. 8th-wear clothing with symbols or messages of kindness
Oct.9th-wear work out clothes
Oct.10th-wear your clothes inside out
Oct 11th-PJ day
Dear New Friend,
We hope you are having a great summer! Our names are Mrs. Burrows and Mrs. Tedona and we will be your Kindergarten teachers this year!
On August 28th, you are invited to come to school for our walk-through.
When you come to school on August 29th (our first day of school), please bring your back pack with all your supplies. Make sure your name is written on all of your supplies. Don't forget lunch (or lunch money), as well as a snack*. We can’t wait to meet you – we’re all going to have a great year in school!
Mrs. Burrows & Mrs. Tedona
(and Pete the Cat)
*We are a peanut-nut, tree nut free room - let’s keep all our children safe!
Dear Parents,
We want to welcome you to our upcoming and fun-filled year in Kindergarten! We are looking forward to working with you and your child and are just so excited! It looks to be a very busy year, with lots of growth and learning here at Cucinella!
Below you will find a list of supplies your child will need for Kindergarten.
Enjoy the rest of the summer!
Warm Regards,
Mrs. Burrows and Mrs.Tedona
It may be easier for you and your child to bring in all the school supplies on the day you visit the classroom.
*Just please make sure you child’s name is on all materials.
We look forward to an amazing year!!!!
Any questions or concerns, please email me at [email protected] and also rememer to copy [email protected] on all corresponses.
August/September dates:
Aug 27th Kindergarten bus orientation 11:00-12:30
Aug 28th Kindergarten Classroom walk-through - 2:30
Aug 29th - First day of school!
Sept 2nd - No school - Labor Day
Sept 9th- BAC school spirit day
Sept 11th - Back to School Night - 7:30-8 (we will meet in the classroom )- see you soon!
Sep16th-Poster due back! Will be sent home with your child the first week of school.