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UNIT 3              LIFE IN THE COLONIES: 1650-1750


Section 1: Governing the Colonies


I. The English Parliamentary Tradition


-The English colonists brought with them the idea that they had ________________________________________. This idea was rooted in ___________________________________________________________.


-In ___________, English nobles forced King John to sign the Magna Carta or _________________________________. The Magna Carta was the first document to place _____________________________________________. It limited the monarch’s right to levy taxes without ___________________

___________. It also protected the right to own private property and guaranteed the right to _________________________________________.


-The rights listed in the Magna Carta were at first ____________________

____________________________________ but over time the rights were extended to all _____________________________________________.


-Under the Magna Carta, nobles formed a __________________________ to advise the king. This body developed into the _____________________.


-______________________ was a _______________________ legislature. The House of Lords was made up of _______________________, most of whom ________________ their titles. Members of the House of Commons were elected. Only a few rich men and ____________________________ had the right to vote for the ____________________________.


-__________________________ greatest power was the right to approve ________________. No monarch could raise _______________________ without _____________________________________________________.



-In the _________________, power struggles between King Charles I and Parliament led to the __________________________. Parliamentary forces eventually ______________ the war, __________________________ the king, and briefly ________________________________.


-In 1660, the monarchy was _______________________, but Parliament retained ____________________________________________.


-An event in ________________ further _______________ parliamentary power. Parliament _______________________________ from the throne and invited his __________________ and her husband _______________ of Orange to rule. This was called the _____________________________.


-In 1689, _______________________ and ________________________ signed the _______________________________ which restated many of the rights granted by the Magna Carta. These included the right to trial by _________________. It upheld ________________________, the principle that a person cannot be held in _______________________ without being ____________________________________________.


-The Bill of Rights also required that Parliament ____________________

________________________ and declared that no monarch could ________________________ or ________________________________ without the consent of Parliament.   


II. Colonial Self-Government


-The legal rights that Englishmen had won over the centuries led colonists to _________________________________________________________. The ideas of ____________________________________________ and  _________________________________were important to them. In their new land, colonists wanted to take part in ________________ themselves.


-By 1760, every British colony in North America had a ________________ of some kind. In Virginia, the ____________________________________ became the first _____________________ in British North America. Massachusetts colonists set up a ________________________ called the _______________________________________________ in 1629.

-In many ways, the colonies offered settlers greater __________________

_________________ than they would have had in England. Still the right to _______________ did not extend to everyone. English women, even those who owned property, could _________________________________. Neither could the _______________________________ who still lived on the land claimed by the colonists. Finally, no ________________________, whether free or enslaved, could __________________.


III. Freedom of the Press


-The colonists expected to enjoy the ____________________________ of English subjects. A notable ______________________ in _____________ helped establish another important right. This was ___________________



-John Peter Zenger, publisher of the New York Weekly Journal, was arrested for___________________________________________________

___________________. Zenger was charged with ___________________, or the publishing of statements that damage a ______________________.


-Under modern American law, statements must be __________________ in order to be considered ________________. However, English law at the time punished writings that criticized the government-even if those ____________________________________________________________.


-Andrew Hamilton, Zenger’s attorney, argued that the articles Zenger published were based on _____________ and, therefore, should not be considered ________________. The jurors _______________.


-The Zenger case later helped establish the fundamental principle that ____________________________________________________________. The press has a ________________ and ___________________________ to keep the public informed of the __________________________.  






IV. Regulating Trade


-Under the theory of ________________________, colonies existed in order to serve the __________________________________________. They were a source of ______________________________ and a place to ________________________________________________________.


-In ___________, Parliament passed the first of several Navigation Acts to support _________________________. By these laws, (1) Shipments from Europe to the colonies had to go _________________________________. (2) Any imports to __________________ from the ___________________ had to come in ships built and owned by ____________________ subjects. (3) The colonies could sell key products such as _____________________ and _____________________, only to England. This helped create jobs for ______________________________________________________.


-In many ways, the Navigation Acts _______________________________. They had a _______________________ for their goods in England, and the law contributed to a __________________________________ industry in ______________________________________.


-Still, as colonial trade ______________________, many colonists came to _____________________ the Navigation Acts. They believed that the laws favored ____________________________, and that they could make more money if they were free to sell to _______________________ themselves.


-Some colonists got around the Navigation Acts by ___________________ and ______________________ goods ______________________.



Section 2: Colonial Society


  1. I.           The Family in Colonial Times


-The family played an important ___________ in colonial America. Many people lived with their ________________________________________.


-Most colonists lived on farms where a large family was considered an _______________________________________________.


-By today’s standards, farmhouses were not very ____________________. Most were made of _________________ and had few ________________. People sat on stools and benches and slept on _______________.


-In Puritan New England, single men and women were expected to live with ____________________________________________________.


  1. II.        Men, Women, and Children


-The lives of men and women __________________. Even on the frontier, where families had to _________________________________________, men and women generally took on _______________________________.


-Men were generally ___________________________________________, coopers, _____________________________________________________, tallow-chandlers, and _______________.


-A husband and father controlled a family’s ____________________ and ______________________. Men also represented their families in public life as _______________ and, sometimes, as ______________________.


-In colonial America, most women were expected to _________________ chosen by their ____________________.


-Besides ___________________________, a woman had many domestic responsibilities. She cooked, did the __________________, and spun yarn ________________________ that she made into ____________________.


-Outside, she took care of the ______________, milked the ___________, tended the ______________, ___________________, and preserved food.


-Women had little or no role in __________________ They could not hold ___________________ or ________________.


-If they survived __________________, colonial children had ___________ years before they were _________________________________. In these years, they could pass the _________________________.


-By the age of ______________, most children had __________________. They might do __________________________ or ___________________, or, if they were poor, they might become __________________________.


-On ____________, children were expected to fetch ______________ and _____________ and to help in the ____________ and in the __________.


-Older children had greater ____________________________. Boys were expected to ___________________________ with their fathers, while girls ___________________ beside their mothers learning how to __________



-Boys who were learning trades began as __________________________. The _______________________ would live in the home of a ___________

_____________________. At the end of his ________________________, the young man was prepared to work _____________________________.


III. Social Classes


-Many European colonists came to America hoping to _________________

________________________. In England and other European countries, ____________________ was the main measure of ___________________.


-_________________________ in Europe, however, was in the hands of a _________________________. America appeared to have _____________ in abundance, offering immigrants the chance ______________________.


-In Europe, a person’s prospects were determined ___________________. Those who were born ____________________ generally ______________

___________________. Those who were born ___________________ had little opportunity to ____________________________________________.


-By contrast, in colonial America there was more ____________________



-A group known as the ____________ were the _____________________ of colonial society. The ____________________ included wealthy planters, ________________, ________________, royal __________________, and successful ___________________________.


-The ______________ were few in number, but they were the most ___________________________________.


-Because many official __________ paid no ______________, few but the ___________________ could afford to hold _____________________.


-The great majority of colonists from Europe were what colonists called “__________________________.” Neither _____________ nor extremely ______________, this _______________________ class was made up of small _________________, independent _________________, and ___________________________.


-Middle class men could _____________ and a few held ______________.


-The growth of the ______________________ gave the poor something to hope for and work for. The poor who were ______________ might never be _______________, but they could always maintain the _____________ that some day they would be _________________________.


-In this way, the _______________ differed from England and the rest of Europe. Not only could people move around the ____________________, they could _____________________________________ and move up the ________________________.


-Lower on colonial America’s social scale, and just above enslaved Africans, were ________________________ and ____________________________.


-An ____________________________________ signed a contract to work from 4 to 10 years in the colonies for anyone who would pay for his or her ____________________________________________________________.


-During the time of service, _________________________________ had few, if any, ___________. They were ________________________ their masters who could work them __________________________________.


-At the end of a term, an ______________________________ received a ______________________, ______________, and 50 ________________.


-Free people of African ancestry were never a _____________ portion of the colonial population. ____________ African Americans were allowed to ______________________________, even in the ______________.


-The lives of free African Americans were _____________________. Most African property owners were not allowed to _____________________ or _________________________________.


Section 3: Slavery in the Colonies


I. The Atlantic Slave Trade


-Some scholars estimate that more than _________________________ enslaved Africans were __________________________ to the Americas between the __________ and the ____________.


-The ___________________ and the ____________________ brought the first Africans to the Americas. The ________________, _______________, and __________________ also entered the ________________________.


-Slave traders set up posts along the ______________________________. Africans who lived along the coast made _____________________ into the ______________, seeking ___________________ to sell to the Europeans.   


-Once they arrived at the coast, captives were ____________________ for _____________ and other ________________. They were then loaded into ____________________ and transported across the Atlantic on a brutal voyage that became known as the ___________________________.


-To increase their _________________, some slave-ship captains crammed the _________________________________________________ on board.

-As a result of such conditions, from __________ to _______ percent of enslaved Africans _________________ or committed suicide during the __________________________________.


-Once slave ships reached the Americas, healthy men, women, and children were put on the ______________________________. The vast majority of those sold ended up on plantations in the ________________ colonies, _______________, or the ____________________________. But for some ____________________ enslaved Africans, their final destination was British __________________________________.


-By about 1700, slave traders in the ___________________________ had developed a regular routine, known as the _________________________. The ___________________________ was a three-way trade between the _______________________, the islands of the _____________________ and __________________.


-On the first leg of the three-leg voyage, ship from ___________________ carried _________, ____________, and other goods to the Caribbean islands or ______________________. There, Yankee traders bought __________________ and _________________. The ships then sailed back to ______________________ where colonists used the ____________________ and _________________ to make rum.


-On the second leg, ships carried _______________, ______________, and other goods from __________________ to _____________________. There, merchants traded the goods for ____________________________. On the final leg, ships carried their __________________________ to the West Indies for sale. With the profits from selling ____________________, traders bought more _____________________________.   


-Many New England traders grew wealthy from _____________________. In doing so, they often violated the _______________________________ which required them to buy only from _____________________________.





II. Slavery in the Colonies


-The first Africans who reached ________________________ may have been treated as servants. But by the ___________________, ships were bringing growing numbers of ____________________________.


-One reason slavery took root was the ____________________________. The profits that could be made from ______________________ and __________________ led planters to import thousands of _____________ __________________________to work the fields. The southern economy came to depend on ________________________.


-For planters, ______________ were preferable to _________________. ___________________________ were temporary. Once their terms were over, they could go. Also, as conditions _________________________ in ______________________, fewer servants came to America.


-As the need for cheap labor grew, colonies made __________________



-Early on, there were attempts to stop _________________. In ________, __________________ passed the first anti-slavery law. However, it did not survive because _________________________________ made _________ _________________________________________ from the slave trade.


-Slavery became ______________ in all the colonies.


-Not every African in America was a slave, but slavery came to be restricted to people of African descent. Thus slavery was linked to racism.


-As the number of slaves ____________, whites began to worry that they would revolt. The first serious ________________________ took place in ______________, in _________________________, Virginia. 


-Soon other revolts occurred in _________________ and _____________.


-Fearing more trouble, colonial authorities wrote _____________________, or strict laws that ______________________________________________.


-Under the codes, enslaved people could not ________________________, own _________________, or ____________________ without permission. It also became illegal to teach enslaved people to ________________ and _______________________.


-Masters who killed _____________________ could not be tried for ____________.


-The new laws did not stop ______________________. In ___________, an enslaved Angolan named Jemmy led a revolt in ___________________. He and his followers ________________________ whites before they were defeated. Revolts continued to flare up until ________________________



III. African Cultural Influences


-The lives of enslaved Africans differed greatly from _______________ to ____________________. Only about ____________________ of the enslaved population lived ________________________.


-In cities of the North, they were often hired out to work as ________________________ or _______________________. On small farms, they might work alongside the owner. Over time, they might buy their ___________________________.


-Even in the South, the lives of enslaved Africans varied. On _________ plantations in _________________________, Africans saw few white colonists. As a result, more than any enslaved Africans, these workers kept _________________________________________________.


-Enslaved Africans in colonies such as _______________ and ___________________, were ___________________________ from white society. Still, many African customs _________________________.





Section 4: The Spread of New Ideas


I. The Importance of Education


-The Puritans set up a government based on ________________, but to them, ________________ went hand in hand with __________________. In early New England, everyone was expected to read the ____________.


-The Puritans passed laws to promote _______________________. They required parents to teach _______________________________________

_____________. Another law required every town with at least _________

_____________________ to start an ___________________ school. Every town with 100 families had to have a ______________________________ for older students.


-These Massachusetts laws were the beginning of ____________________ in ______________________________________.


-Puritan schools were very different from the _______________________

_____________________. Puritan schools were run with both private and ___________________________________. In addition, Puritan education laws were not ____________________________________.


-Laws that required ____________________________________________ did not begin until the late ____________________.


-Colonial schools also required instruction in __________________. Most schools in the 1600s were _____________________________________.


-In addition, colonial elementary schools taught basic skills such as ____________________, ________________, and __________________.


-In the South, people were separated by __________________________ so there were ___________________. Members of the gentry often hired ________________________________________________. Children from poorer families often received ____________________________________.


-Some colonial elementary schools admitted ____________. Others taught them only in summer when _________________________________. Girls might also attend ______________________, schools that women opened in their homes to teach boys and girls to __________ and _____________. 


-Most colonial schools were restricted to ___________________________. However, in New York, an _______________ church group ran a school for _______________________________, as well as for _________________

_____________________ and ____________________________.


-After elementary school, some boys went on to _____________________. These schools prepared boys for college. Student learned ______________ and _______________, as well as ______________________, ______________________, and English ________________________.


-The first American colleges were founded largely ____________________ ____________. Opening in ____________, _______________ was the first college in the English colonies. In 1693, colonists in ___________________ founded the __________________________________________________, the first college in the _____________________.


II. Roots of American Literature


-The earliest forms of colonial literature were ____________________ and _______________________.


-The first colonial poet was _____________________________________. Her book The Tenth Muse, Lately Sprung Up in America, was first published in 1650 in England. Her poetry expressed the _______________ and ___________________ of life in ____________________________.


-A later poet, ____________________________, was an enslaved African in Boston. Her first poem was published in the ___________ when she was about ________ years old. Her works were in a scholarly style then popular in _______________________.


-Perhaps the best-loved colonial writer was Benjamin Franklin. His newspaper, the _____________________, became the most widely read newspaper _________________________________.


-Franklin’s most popular work was ____________________________ which was published every year from __________ to __________. It was full of __________ sayings that usually had a ___________.


-Franklin was also a businessman, community leader, _______________, _________________________, and ____________________.


III. The Great Awakening


-From the start, ___________________ played a key role in the 13 English colonies. In __________________ and ____________________________, religious leaders set extensive rules on ____________________________.


-Early laws also required colonists to ______________________________.


-By the 1700s, the _________________________ tradition had gradually _________________ in New England.


-An emotion-packed movement swept through the colonies in the 1730s and 1740s. This period of ____________________________ is called the _______________________________________.


-The _____________________________________ began as a reaction against what some Christians saw as a ___________________________ _______________________________________. Leaders such as Massachusetts’ preacher Jonathan Edwards called on people to examine their ________________ and commit ____________________________.


-Forceful _____________ quickly spread the ________________________ throughout the colonies.


-The _________________________ led to the rise of many new churches. ____________________ and __________________, which had been small sects or groups, grew quickly. The Presbyterian, Dutch Reformed, and Congregationalist churches ____________ between those who followed the new movement and those who did not. In time, the growth of new churches led to more _________________________________________ in the colonies.


-The __________________________ was one of the first ______________ movements in the colonies. It reinforced ___________________________. People thought that if they could decide on their own how to _____________________, they could decide how to _______________ themselves. 


IV. The Enlightenment


-Starting in the late ____________, a group of European thinkers came to believe that all problems could be solved by _______________________. They ushered in a new intellectual movement that became known as the ______________________________________________.


-_______________________ thinkers looked for “____________________ ______________” that governed politics, society, and economics. The ______________________ reached its height in ____________ in the mid-1700s.


-In 1690, Locke published _______________________________________. In this influential work, Locke argued that people have certain __________ rights, that is, _________________ that belong to every human being from __________.


-These rights include ___________, liberty, and _____________________. According to Locke, these rights are __________________________.


-Locke challenged the idea of ____________________. _______________

__________________ is the belief that monarchs get their authority to rule directly from _______________. According to this belief, any rights people have come to them from the _______________________________.


-By contrast, Locke stated that ____________________ rights came from __________. He argued that people formed governments in order to _________________________. They give up some individual freedoms but only to safeguard the __________________________________________.


-Locke’s reasoning led to a startling conclusion. Because government exists to _____________________, if a monarch violates those _____________, the people have a right to _______________________________. This idea would later shape the __________________________________________.


-A French thinker, the _____________________________________, also influenced American ideas. In his 1748 book, _______________________, _______________ argued that the powers of government should be clearly defined and limited. Furthermore, he favored _______________________, or division of powers _________________________________.


-Separation of powers, he said, protects the ______________________ of the people because it keeps any individual or group from ______________



- Montesquieu suggested that government should be divided into three branches: a ___________________________ branch to make laws, an _________________ branch to enforce _____________, and a ________________________ branch to make judgments on the law.


-This ______________________________ would become the basis of government in the ______________________________.